What is Leg Wrestling

What is Leg Wrestling? A Guide to the Technique and Rules

Leg wrestling, also known as Indian leg wrestling, is a sport that has been gaining popularity in recent times. This unique form of wrestling tests the strength of the legs of two opponents as they struggle to push each other off balance. 

What is leg wrestling? Leg wrestling is a sport in which two opponents sit facing each other with the soles of their feet touching. The contestants interlock their hands and then attempt to push their opponent’s foot backward using only their leg strength. 

The first person to successfully force their opponent’s foot out of the way wins the match. Leg wrestling is often played for enjoyment and as a recreational rather than a competitive sport.

While leg wrestling may seem like a simple sport, there are a few techniques and rules to keep in mind to ensure a fair and exciting match. 

In this guide, I will take a closer look at leg wrestling and provide you with everything you need to know to participate in this fun and challenging sport.

Why is it called Indian leg wrestling?

What is Leg Wrestling?

Indian leg wrestling is a variation of the sport that originated in India. It involves two people sitting on the ground with the soles of their feet touching. From there, the competitors push and pull in an effort to force the other person’s foot to the ground. 

This version is sometimes called “butt-to-butt” wrestling, as the competitors sit on each other’s laps.

Indian leg wrestling is a type of arm wrestling, but instead of using hands, the two opponents lock their legs in a kneeling position. 

The objective of the sport is to push the other person’s leg down and make them lose balance. 

To begin, both opponents kneel opposite each other, lock their legs at the knees and grab each other’s ankles. At the same time, it may seem easy; like Sumo wrestling, leg wrestling requires strength and technique to win.

Indian leg wrestling techniques

There are several techniques that one can use during a leg wrestling match. 

  • One of the most popular techniques is the Scissors. In this technique, the wrestler locks their legs around their opponent’s leg and uses their momentum to pull them off balance. 
  • Another technique is the Grapevine, where the wrestler uses their legs to tangle up their opponent’s legs and put them off balance. 
  • Kicking, punching, or striking the opponent is not allowed. 
  • The use of any foreign object is also strictly prohibited. 
  • The match ends when one of the opponents loses balance or turns their knee.

To become a skilled leg wrestler, one must focus on developing leg strength. Heavy resistance training, jumping, and plyometric exercises can help increase leg power. 

In addition, one can also work on their speed and agility to react quickly to their opponent’s movements. 

Training under a professional coach who can guide you on the proper techniques and rules is also essential.

A List of Leg Wrestling Rules

What is Leg Wrestling?

Leg wrestling, also known as Indian leg wrestling or leg scuffling, is a fun and exciting sport that has been around for generations. You need a list of rules to ensure you enjoy this game safely and fairly. 

Here I will share a comprehensive list of leg wrestling rules that will make your game more enjoyable.

1. Setting Up The Game

The first step in leg wrestling is to place two competitors on the ground facing each other with the soles of their feet touching.  

Each player’s position is crucial to the game’s success. Both players must sit upright, with their knees bent and their palms resting on the ground. They should also grip each other’s hands firmly.

2. The Timing

Leg wrestling is a game of endurance. It usually lasts for two rounds, each lasting a maximum of three minutes. 

In between the rounds, there is a one-minute rest period. The competitor who wins both rounds or pins their opponent’s foot to the ground is declared the winner.

3. Rules of Engagement

Once the game begins, both competitors must keep their other leg straight and not touch each other with any other part of their body. 

The game ends when one of the competitors manages to pin their opponent’s foot to the ground or if one of the players loses their grip. In case of a stalemate, the game may be declared a tie.

4. Fair Play

Leg wrestling is a game of strength, endurance, and technique. Both players must compete fairly and follow the rules of the game. 

Any cheating, such as intentionally gripping your opponent’s wrist or arm, or using your free foot to push or block your opponent’s leg, is not allowed. 

Players should compete to the best of their ability without resorting to foul play.

5. Safety Precautions

Safety is crucial, as with any competitive sport like Kickboxing and Muay Thai. To avoid injuries, players must be careful when setting up the game and during the game not to jerk their opponent’s arm or leg. 

If you feel pain or discomfort during the game, immediately stop and seek medical attention if necessary.

Watch This Video: What is Leg Wrestling?

Video From Youtube: MrTblaney

How to Play Leg Wrestling?

Do you want to dominate your friends in a physical competition that doesn’t require any equipment, skills, or practice? Look no further than leg wrestling! 

Now I’ll teach you how to play leg wrestling like a pro, from the basic rules to the winning techniques. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics

Leg wrestling is a simple game with a few important rules to follow. 

  1. Firstly, both players sit on the ground facing each other with extended legs. 
  2. Then, they hook one foot around the other person’s ankle and grip their hands. 
  3. The goal is to pull your opponent’s foot down to the ground while keeping your foot up. 
  4. The first person whose foot touches the ground loses. 
  5. However, you can’t use your hands, arms, or other body parts except your legs and feet to win. 
  6. Breaking any of these rules results in a disqualification. 
  7. Now that you know the basic rules, let’s move on to the techniques.

Mastering the Techniques

Playing leg wrestling is about brute force, strategy, and balance. 

There are several ways to get an advantage over your opponent, such as locking your foot tightly around theirs, leaning back to transfer your weight, or twisting your hips to generate more torque. 

You can also fake a move to distract your rival and counter-attack when they least expect it. The key is to stay focused and react quickly to your opponent’s moves. 

As you practice more, you’ll discover your signature techniques that work best for your body type.

Training your Legs

Of course, being physically fit and strong can give you an edge in leg wrestling. 

While you don’t necessarily need bulging muscles to win, it helps to have trained legs that can endure the strain of the game. 

Some exercises that can improve your leg stamina and power include squats, lunges, calf raises, and leg press. 

You can also do some stretching and warm-up before the game to reduce the risk of injury. Just make sure not to overdo it and tire your legs before the match.

Challenging Your Friends

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge and skills of leg wrestling, it’s time to put them to the test.

Challenge your friends, siblings, or co-workers to a match and see who is on top. Make it more interesting by betting on the outcome, such as treating the winner to a meal or a drink. 

However, always remember to play fair and to respect the other person’s boundaries. Leg wrestling can be a rough game, but it doesn’t have to be violent or hurtful. Have fun, laugh, and enjoy the experience, win or lose.

Types of Leg Wrestling

What is Leg Wrestling?

Leg wrestling, also known as “Indian leg wrestling,” is a popular sport where two opponents face each other with the soles of their feet touching. This sport aims to push the opponent’s foot backward using only your leg strength. 

Leg wrestling is an exciting and challenging sport that requires skill and strategy. 

Here are some of the different types of leg wrestling.

1. Straight Leg Wrestling

Straight leg wrestling is the most common type of leg wrestling. The opponents sit on a mat facing each other and interlock their hands. Then, they extend their legs and place the soles of their feet together. 

The objective is to force the opponent’s foot backward using only your leg strength. The person who successfully pushes their opponent’s foot out of the way wins the match.

2. Standing Leg Wrestling

Standing leg wrestling is another popular type of leg wrestling. In this type of leg wrestling, the opponents stand facing each other and interlock their hands. Then, they lift one leg and place the sole of their foot against their opponent’s. 

The game’s objective is to knock your opponent off balance while maintaining your balance. The first person to lose their balance or touch the ground with any part of their body loses the game.

3. Blindfolded Leg Wrestling

Blindfolded leg wrestling adds a twist to the traditional leg wrestling game. In this version, the players are blindfolded and must rely on their sense of touch to win the game. 

The opponents sit facing each other and interlock their hands. Then, they extend their legs and place the soles of their feet together. 

The objective is to push the opponent’s foot backward using only your leg strength. Blindfolding the players adds an element of surprise and makes the game more challenging.

4. Partner Leg Wrestling

Partner leg wrestling is a fun and challenging game that requires coordination and teamwork. In this type of leg wrestling, two players work together to defeat another team of two. The opponents sit facing each other and interlock their hands. 

Then, each player places the sole of their foot against the foot of the opposing team member. Working together, the partners attempt to push the opponent’s foot backward using only their leg strength.

5. Arm Wrestling with Legs

Arm wrestling with legs is a variation of leg wrestling where the opponents use their arms to grip each other’s legs instead of interlocking their hands. 

The game involves the opponents sitting on the floor facing each other. They then grip each other’s legs at the ankles, with one hand placed on the other. 

The game’s objective is to force your opponent’s ankle down using your arm strength.

How to play the wrestling leg-riding technique?

The leg riding technique is one of the most popular moves in leg wrestling. 

  • To start, sit across from your opponent and interlock your legs. 
  • Make sure your ankles are touching, and hold hands with your opponent. 
  • From there, use your left hand to push your opponent’s leg down and your right hand to pull their other leg up. 
  • This creates a pivot point, which helps you control the match.

How to win at leg wrestling?

What is Leg Wrestling?

Leg wrestling is all about leverage. It’s not necessarily about having the strongest legs but rather about using your opponent’s weight against them. 

One tip is to keep your elbows locked into your body. This helps you apply more force and also prevents your opponent from getting a good grip on your hands. 

Another tip is to practice your leg riding technique and focus on technique rather than brute force.

Is leg wrestling a sport?

Yes, leg wrestling is considered a sport. While it may not be as well-known as other sports like basketball or soccer, it is a legitimate competitive activity. 

There are even leg wrestling competitions held around the world. One of the most famous competitions is the annual World Toe Wrestling Championship.

What is a double leg in wrestling?

A double leg in wrestling is a takedown move that involves grabbing both opponents’ legs and driving them down to the mat. This move is often used in freestyle and folkstyle wrestling and is considered one of the most effective ways to take down an opponent. 

The key to executing a successful double leg is quickly and decisively driving forward after grabbing the opponent’s legs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Leg wrestling may seem simple but it requires strength, speed, and technique to win. 

The popularity of leg wrestling is on the rise, and it is gaining recognition as a legitimate sport. 

You can become a skillful leg wrestler by practicing the proper techniques and following the rules. It is a fun and exciting sport for beginners and professionals. 

So grab a partner, lock your legs, and let the match begin.

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