How Does WWE Decide Who Wins? (Is WWE Fake or Real)

If you want to find out whether WWE is real or fake, then get ready for the answer because WWE is not a real sport, this is scripted. Yes, it is not real! When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it either.

But then I did complete research and found out that if WWE is not real, how do they decide who wins the wrestling matches?

The short answer is that WWE has scripted storylines. The process of selecting WWE winners involves discussions between scriptwriters and management and sometimes the wrestlers themselves. In these storylines, the winners are predetermined (Decided before the playing game).

In WWE, many victories are planned out ahead of time. It means they already know who will win before the fight starts. But there isn’t a clear winner in some matches, especially in fights that aren’t part of a WWE story. The top boss of WWE, the CEO, and the chairman decide who wins these matches.

WWE’s match outcomes depend on conversations with wrestlers, insiders, and industry experts. Wrestlers like CM Punk and Chris Jericho have discussed backstage politics and creative discussions that influence results.

WWE documentaries show planning and discussions among wrestlers, producers, and writers. Changes in storylines and wrestler push also reveal the interplay of factors in determining winners.

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Let’s explore this in detail! how did the scriptwriters and management decide the winners? How much planning goes into the match? What exactly is in a script for a wrestling match? Does it tell us who’s going to win beforehand? 

How WWE Chooses Match Winners:

In WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), fights are planned in advance, including who will win. The people who talk about the match on TV also know who will win. But, the exact way the match will end is often kept a secret from them, so their reactions can be real and surprised. Some wrestlers might know how the match will end, but it depends on the person.

How Does WWE Decide Who To Push Script writing time

Now the winner is decided based on things like a wrestler’s skills and how much fans like them. Here’s how it works in simpler terms:

  1. Deciding the Winner: A group of people, including the WWE script writers and management, talk about who should win each match. They think about which wrestler has the best skills, who is the most popular with the fans, and who can give a great performance.
  2. Final Decision: After lots of discussion, the final decision on who wins is made by the WWE Chairman and CEO. This used to be Vince McMahon, but he stepped down on July 22, 2022. Now, his daughter, the co-CEO Stephanie McMahon along with Triple H and Nick Khan, makes the final decision.
  3. Why This Matters: The main reason they carefully choose the winner is to keep fans happy and watching. They want to pick winners that fans will cheer for and enjoy watching.

So, the process of picking match winners involves many people discussing and thinking about who will entertain the fans the most. It’s a combination of fan favorites, wrestler skills, and keeping the story interesting that decides who wins a WWE fight! The final say goes to the CEO, who makes sure the decision will help WWE attract more viewers.

Things to Consider When Decide the Winner

In WWE, determining who to push to the top involves various factors. These choices could be more straightforward, but a few aspects stand out.

Looks Strong

First, how you look is very important. Wrestlers with strong, impressive bodies often get more attention because Vince McMahon likes larger-than-life characters. Even though there are some exceptions, having a muscular build can help you get ahead.


Charisma in wrestling means a wrestler’s skill to attract and engage the audience. This includes being good at speaking, having a strong personality, and exciting the crowd during matches.

So the second important factor of the article for selecting the winning wrestlers is, how well wrestlers connect with the audience. Those who give exciting speeches and interact well with fans are more likely to get ahead, even if their wrestling skills vary.

Merchandise Sales

Merchandise sales in wrestling refer to the revenue generated from selling items related to wrestlers, such as T-shirts, action figures, posters, and other memorabilia featuring their likeness or branding.

Surprisingly, merchandise sales contribute to push decisions. Those who sell significant amounts of merchandise, such as t-shirts and action figures, become valuable assets, leading to more opportunities.

Politics (Influence of Relationships)

In WWE, just like in real-life politics, there’s a behind-the-scenes aspect that affects wrestlers’ careers. It’s not just about their skills in the ring; things like who they’re friends with, their relationships, and how they get along with the bosses (management) can all impact the opportunities they get. This backstage politics can shape a wrestler’s journey in WWE, influencing whether they get big chances or not.

Please Note: WWE doesn’t have a fixed formula for how they decide which wrestlers to push (meaning give more opportunities to). It varies depending on many factors. So, while you can try to understand what influences these decisions, it’s not always predictable because WWE doesn’t always follow a strict pattern in how they do things.

How Does Pro Wrestling Decide Who Wins?

According to WWE’s approach, experienced wrestlers don’t require a thorough script; a brief one with their lines and the winner’s name suffixes. Apart from this, skilled wrestlers had the freedom to decide the course of the match and its conclusion based on their preferences.

Pro wrestlers have much experience in engaging the audience without following precise scripts. These wrestlers can act spontaneously for the audience without needing complex plans. Yet, mastering this skill level in pro wrestling requires several years of practice.

But less experienced wrestlers usually receive more detailed scripts to follow. These scripts contain the winner, how the match ends, even the dialogue between wrestlers and their opponents and the sequence of actions leading up to it. This helps newer wrestlers perform confidently and follow a structured plan.

In wrestling, not every match is planned ahead with a winner already known. Some matches, especially those without a storyline, may need to decide a winner during the match itself. However, in most professional wrestling matches, the winner is usually decided before the match starts.

Not all wrestling is the same. There are different types. Professional wrestling usually has planned winners, decided before the match. But In school and Olympic wrestling, winners aren’t decided in advance. Matches aren’t scripted; winners are determined during the match, not beforehand.

Are WWE Championships Scripted?

Yes, WWE championships are scripted. This means that WWE’s creative team decides in advance who will win and lose matches. They plan this to create interesting storylines and entertainment.

How doest the WWE Championships decided

The scripting process includes planning the storylines, how characters develop, and how fans will react. Wrestlers follow these plans during matches. They know the moves they will do, what they will say, and who will end up winning.

How Does The WWE Championship Work?

The WWE Championship (WWE Belt) is a highly respected title in professional wrestling, given to the top male performer in WWE. Wrestlers compete in various matches and tournaments to earn this title, showing off their skills and athleticism. The championship is usually defended on WWE’s SmackDown brand, one of WWE’s shows.

Paul Levesque wear the WWE Belt to roman reigns

Winning the WWE Championship requires a mix of talent in the ring, charisma, and dedication. Wrestlers get involved in storylines and rivalries, leading up to a championship match where the title is on the line. The result of the match decides the champion. The one who pins their opponent or makes them give up becomes the winner and the new champion.

Established in 1963 as the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, this title has a rich history. Over time, its name and look have changed, but its importance has stayed strong. It represents the highest level of success in WWE. Many wrestling legends have held this title, solidifying their places as some of the best in the business.

The WWE Championship is a central element of WWE’s storytelling. Wrestlers chase after the title, driven by the desire to be recognized as the best. Championship matches often occur at major events, including WrestleMania, where the biggest stages allow wrestlers to capture the championship and make history.

Deciding who receives a WWE Championship opportunity involves a blend of factors. These can include a wrestler’s performance, popularity with the audience, and the creative direction of WWE’s storytelling.

On the other hand, winning the championship is a significant achievement; maintaining a successful title reign requires ongoing victories and the ability to fend off challenges from other contenders.

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What Do WWE Superstars Do After Shows?

After a wrestling match, WWE superstars take a moment to recover from injuries and change out of their gear. They may discuss the match with coaches and trainers for improvement and participate in interviews with the media.

What Do WWE Superstars Do After Shows?
Life After the Match

Post-show routines vary depending on the wrestling organization. In WWE, wrestlers might head back to the hotel, grab a meal, and get a few hours of sleep before their next travel day.

For AEW wrestlers, it’s often a quick shower, maybe a bite to eat, and then back to the hotel after Dynamite. Independent talents follow a similar pattern, traveling to the next city if needed or returning home if they have a break.

After the match, there’s a collaborative effort among the wrestlers and the creative team to analyze the match, make changes, and ensure ongoing excitement for the fans.


Selecting WWE winners involves discussions among scriptwriters and management, weighing skills and fan appeal. The WWE CEO, once Vince McMahon and now Stephanie McMahon, finalizes the decision.

Choosing winners is a complex process driven by satisfying fans. WWE considers factors like popularity and skills, aiming to attract viewers. While winners are often fan favorites, exceptions exist, leaving some to question the scripted outcomes.


These are some frequently asked questions. We also discussed these in the article in detail, but here are the quick answers.

1. Is WWE Real or Fake?

WWE is scripted. While the physicality and athleticism are real, the outcomes and storylines are predetermined by scriptwriters and management, with the final say from the WWE Chairman and CEO. Currently, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, and Nick Khan make these decisions.

2. Are all Wrestling Matches Scripted?

Yes, almost all matches and championships in WWE are scripted, and even the wrestlers know who the winner is before the match ends. However, school and Olympic wrestling are real and not scripted.

3. Who Decides the Winner in WWE?

The WWE winners are determined through discussions between scriptwriters, management, and sometimes the wrestlers themselves.

4. Why are WWE matches scripted?

WWE scripts matches to create entertaining storylines and maintain viewer interest just like in movies. Predetermined outcomes help ensure exciting and engaging shows for the audience.

5. How Much Planning Goes into a WWE Match?

Planning varies based on the experience of the wrestlers. Experienced wrestlers may receive brief scripts with key points and the winner’s name, while less experienced wrestlers follow detailed scripts, including the match ending and dialogues.

6. What Factors Influence Who Gets Pushed to the Top in WWE?

Factors include a wrestler’s physical appearance, charisma, ability to connect with the audience, merchandise sales, and backstage relationships. The decision process is complex and influenced by multiple aspects.

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