What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material

What Is A Wrestling Ring Made Of? WWE Ring Parts & Material 

The wrestling ring is a crucial piece of equipment that sets the stage for every match. But have you ever stopped to wonder what a wrestling ring is made of? 

The ring is typically constructed using a combination of steel, wood, and foam padding. The type and quality of materials used in a wrestling ring can vary depending on the promotion and budget.

In this blog post, I’ll examine the materials that make up a wrestling ring and why they’re chosen.

Quick Table of Wrestling Ring Material 

Ring FrameThe structural frame of the ringSteel or aluminum
Ring PostsVertical supports for the cornersSteel
TurnbucklesConnects the ring ropes to the postsMetal hooks and padding
Ring RopesForms the boundaries of the ringSteel cable covered with vinyl
CanvasThe main wrestling surfaceCanvas fabric
MatProvides cushioning and tractionFoam padding covered with vinyl
Ring SkirtCovers the sides of the ring frameVinyl or fabric
Ring ApronCovers the area outside the ringVinyl or fabric
StairsUsed for entering/exiting the ringSteel
Ring BellUsed to signal the start/finishMetal or brass
Ring StepsAn elevated platform for high spotsSteel or aluminum

Please note that materials may vary depending on the wrestling promotion or ring manufacturer.

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of?

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material

A wrestling ring is an elevated platform that’s surrounded by ropes and used for professional wrestling matches. The ring is usually around 20 feet by 20 feet square and stands about three feet tall. 

Steel Frame of a Wrestling Ring:

The steel frame of a wrestling ring is the foundation upon which everything else is built. The steel frame provides the necessary support for the ring and withstands the weight and force of the performers. 

The type of steel used in a wrestling ring can vary, but it’s usually a high-grade steel that’s strong enough to withstand the pressure of the performers’ movements.

Wooden Planks of a Wrestling Ring:

The wooden planks are the next layer of the wrestling ring. The wooden planks are laid on top of the steel frame, providing a solid surface for the performers to walk and fight on. 

The thickness and quality of the wooden planks can vary, but they’re usually around 2 inches thick and made of high-quality plywood. Once the wooden planks are in place, the foam padding is added. 

The Foam Padding of a Wrestling Ring

The foam padding is designed to provide a cushion for the performers. The padding is often made of high-density foam capable of absorbing the shock of high-impact moves

The foam is typically covered with vinyl or canvas to provide a non-slip surface for the performers.

Ropes Material in a WWE Ring

Finally, the ropes and turnbuckles are added to complete the ring. The ropes are usually made of steel cable covered in a rubber coating or nylon material. 

The ropes are attached to the ring posts and tightened to create tension. The turnbuckles are the devices that allow the ropes to be tightened or loosened as needed.

The Ultimate Guide to WWE Wrestling Ring Parts

If you’re an avid WWE fan, you know that the wrestling ring is the center of all the action. It’s where the best wrestlers step in and put their bodies and reputations on the line to entertain millions of fans worldwide. 

But have you ever wondered how a wrestling ring is made or what parts it has? 

Here I’ll deeply dive into the WWE wrestling ring parts and explain what each component does.

1. The Mat:

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material - The Mat

The mat is the WWE wrestling ring’s first and most visible component. It is the cushioned surface on which the wrestlers land and perform their moves. 

The mat is usually made of foam rubber, high-density padding, and a layer of vinyl or leather. The standard WWE ring mat measures around 20×20 feet and weighs around 300 pounds. 

The intricate graphics and logos printed on the mat add to its overall appeal and give the ring a distinct personality.

2. The Ropes:

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material - The Ropes

The ropes are another essential part of the WWE wrestling ring. The colorful, elastic cords encircle the ring, and the wrestlers use them to bounce off and execute their high-flying moves. 

The ropes are steel cables covered with rubber tubing and vinyl tape. 

The standard WWE ring has four ropes, one on each side, and they are kept taut by turnbuckles, which we’ll cover in the next section.

3. The Turnbuckles:

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of The Wrestling Turnbuckles

Turnbuckles are the metal mechanisms that hold the ropes in place and keep them taut. The WWE ring has four turnbuckles, one on each corner, made of steel or cast iron. 

The turnbuckles consist of a central body, a threaded rod, and two arms. When you turn the rod, it lengthens or shortens the ropes, depending on how you turn it. 

Turnbuckles are crucial in adjusting the tension of the ropes, which can affect the wrestler’s performance and safety.

4. The Ring Posts:

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material - The Posts

The ring posts are the vertical supports that hold up the entire wrestling ring. They are usually made of steel or aluminum and are bolted to the floor or frame of the ring. 

The standard WWE ring has four ring posts, one on each corner, and they are all connected to the ropes and turnbuckles. 

The ring posts are integral in maintaining the stability and structural integrity of the ring, and they bear the brunt of the wrestlers’ weight and impact.

5. The Skirts and Pads:

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material - The Skirts

The skirts and pads are two components covering the ring’s bottom and sides. The skirts are the vinyl coverings that conceal the ring frame and give it a neat, finished look. 

They also act as bumpers to protect the wrestlers from getting hurt when they fall out of the ring. 

The pads are the foam rubber cushions that line the outside of the ring and give the wrestlers a softer landing when they hit the ground. 

The pads come in various colours and designs and add to the visual appeal of the WWE wrestling ring.

How to Make a WWE Ring? A Complete Guide to Wrestling Construction

Ever wondered how WWE rings are made? Have you ever thought about the time that goes into the construction of the wrestling ring used to create the entertainment that captivates millions of fans? 

Wrestling is not just a sport; it is an entertainment industry with its unique construction process, which many people might need to be more familiar with. 

Now I’ll provide a complete guide to how WWE rings are made, from their initial construction process to their final result.

Step-1. Designing and building the Frame

The first step in manufacturing a WWE ring is designing and building the frame. 

The frame is vital to the ring’s structure because it provides support and stability for the ropes and the wrestlers. 

Manufactured mainly from steel, the frame is welded together, ensuring durability and strength. After welding the frame, the ring manufacturer attaches the beams and cross beams, enhancing the overall strength and holding capacity. 

After that, the frames and cross beams are painted with a coat of primer or paint to ensure they adhere to the ropes and pads.

Step-2. Installation of Ropes

After constructing the frame, the manufacturer installs the ropes. An average WWE ring has three ropes running through it. They are made of special “ring ropes” unique to wrestling rings. 

The ropes are woven together to resist stretching and prevent the wrestlers from bouncing around the ring or falling out. 

The rope is stretched and tied to each turnbuckle by a special knot called a “white claw.” 

It is vital to get the correct tension of the ropes to ensure that the ring is secure enough to support wrestlers and, at the same time, comfortable enough that they can execute moves.

Step-3. Ring Pads

Ring pads are an essential part of wrestling. They help protect the wrestlers from injury when they come into contact with the ring. They also help absorb shock from high-impact moves, such as suplexes or powerbombs. 

Ring pads come in different types and materials, such as high-density foam, padded mats, sponge rubber, and vinyl. 

After cutting the pads into the right shape and size for the ring surface first, they are aligned in the right order along the frame. The ring manufacturer attaches the pads to the frame and ropes using several ties.

Step-4. Coverings

Finally, the manufacturer puts the finishing touches on the wrestling ring by adding ring coverings. The ring covering comes in three parts. 

The first part is the canvas, a high-strength material that covers the pads. It has a non-slip layer of coating to prevent wrestlers from falling while performing their moves. 

The second part of the covering is the apron, usually set up on all four sides of the rings. It is often made from vinyl and has the WWE logo. 

Lastly, there is the skirt, which runs along the ring’s edge. The skirt is usually made of the same material as the apron and is attached to the turnbuckle covers via hook-and-loop fasteners.

Watch Video For More Help: What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of?

Video From YouTube: SuplexNetwork

What are Wrestling Ropes Made of?

Wrestling ropes are made of various materials, including steel cables wrapped in rubber or vinyl and polyester braids wrapped in vinyl. 

Each material has its benefits and drawbacks, with steel cables being more durable but polyester braids being easier to grip. 

Some ropes are also covered in tape or foam to make them more comfortable for wrestlers to hit against.

Is a Wrestling Ring Soft?

Now, you may wonder if a wrestling ring is soft or hard. The answer is it depends. Wrestling rings are typically wood and steel, with foam padding and plywood on top. 

This padding can range in thickness from one to four inches, and some rings also have additional padding underneath. So while there is some cushioning, the ring is still fairly firm overall.

What Does a Wrestling Ring Feel Like?

So what does it feel like to step into a wrestling ring? According to many wrestlers, it’s a unique and exhilarating experience. 

When you hit them, the ropes give a bit but still provide enough resistance to bounce you back. 

The padding in the ring helps protect you from injury, but you still feel the impact of moves. It’s a high-energy environment, with the crowd cheering you on and the adrenaline pumping through your veins.

What are the Dimensions of a Wrestling Ring?

Moving on to dimensions, wrestling rings can vary in size depending on the organization. WWE rings, for example, must be at least 20 feet by 20 feet, with the ropes being 1 inch in diameter. 

Other organizations may have smaller or larger rings, and some may use different types of ropes altogether, such as chains or cables. 

Regardless of the specific size and materials, all wrestling rings are designed to provide a safe and exciting platform for performers to showcase their skills.

How Much is the WWE Ring’s Real-Life Size?

Finally, you may be curious about how the size of a wrestling ring compares to a real-life setting. 

Well, the answer is that it’s quite large! WWE’s standard ring size of 20 feet by 20 feet is about the size of a small apartment. 

This gives wrestlers plenty of space to move around and execute impressive manoeuvres while keeping the action within a smaller area for maximum impact.


Now that you know what a wrestling ring is made of, you can appreciate the work and materials that go into creating a platform for the performers to showcase their skills.

A well-constructed wrestling ring can make all the difference in the safety and success of a wrestling match. 

So the next time you watch a wrestling match, take a moment to appreciate all the work that goes into creating the ring that allows the performers to do what they do best.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Much is a Wrestling Ring?

The cost of a wrestling ring can vary depending on the size, materials used, and any add-ons. A standard 16′ wrestling ring can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000. Larger custom-made rings with added features can cost upwards of $10,000.

What is a Wrestling Ring Mat Made of?

Wrestling ring mats are typically made of closed-cell foam covered with a vinyl or canvas layer. This provides a cushion for wrestlers to land on and helps prevent injuries. The vinyl/canvas layer is often treated with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial coatings to help prevent bacteria growth and infections.

Do Wrestling Rings have Springs?

Contrary to popular belief, wrestling rings do not typically have springs. The bounce factor is achieved through plywood boards that are screwed together and laid on a square frame. The boards are then topped with the foam and vinyl/canvas layer to create the mat.

How Big is a Wrestling Ring?

The size of a standard wrestling ring is typically 16′ x 16′, with ring ropes that are 3’8″ off the ground. The posts are usually 4″ by 4″ and stand about 8′ tall. However, the size can vary depending on the specifications and requirements of the individual or organization building the ring.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Wrestling Ring?

Building a wrestling ring can be costly, requiring specialized materials and construction. Depending on the size, materials, and add-ons, building a wrestling ring can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 or more.

Does a Wrestling Ring Hurt?

While wrestling rings are designed to provide cushioning and prevent injuries, wrestlers can still experience pain and discomfort from the physical nature of the sport. Many wrestlers use padding and knee pads to reduce the impact of hard landings and strikes.

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