What Are WWE Chairs Made Of

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of? Steel or Plastic? 

Have you ever wondered why WWE chairs look like hard plastic? How are they set on TV shows? Wrestlers use “steel” chairs, but real steel would cause serious head injuries. So the question is: What are WWE chairs made of?

The so-called “steel” chairs in WWE aren’t steel; they’re made of lighter metal. These chairs are mostly aluminum, with a bit of tin and copper. They use these metals for less harm and better sound. A report says WWE chairs are made of 92% aluminum, 6% tin, and 1% copper, with some steel and tungsten.

Fans can imagine how bumps feel, but chairs are harder to understand. In this short post, I’ll discuss how WWE chairs are made. Do they hurt when wrestlers get hit? Read on to find the truth behind WWE chairs.

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of?

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of

WWE chairs are mainly made of aluminum, not steel. These chairs are used in wrestling matches and look different from regular ones. They are larger than normal chairs and serve multiple purposes during fights in the ring. Wrestlers use them creatively.

To protect wrestlers, WWE no longer allows chair shots to the head. This rule helps prevent brain injuries in the ring. So, in WWE, the chairs aren’t as steel as they might sound. They are designed for safety and entertainment during matches.

Why WWE Wrestlers Don’t Get Hurt From The Chairs?

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of - Why WWE Wrestlers Don't Get Hurt From The Chairs
WWE Wrestlers Don’t Get Hurt

WWE wrestlers avoid getting hurt by chairs because the chairs are made of thin, lightweight aluminum. They don’t have rivets and can bend or break upon impact. While it still hurts to be hit by one, it’s not as severe as it looks on TV.

The chairs used in WWE are not actual steel; they’re aluminum, which is soft and not as strong. They’re also hollow, so they weigh only a few pounds. Wrestlers don’t swing them too hard; they make it look dramatic for the show, enhanced by the loud sound of the chairs.

These chairs can bend when they hit a wrestler, especially on the head or body. Real steel chairs are too dangerous, so WWE uses these softer ones to avoid severe injuries. Despite the pain, WWE wrestlers endure it to entertain the audience.

Are WWE Chairs Different From Regular Chairs?

In WWE, the chairs used are designed with safety in mind. They’re not like regular chairs you find at home. These specially-made chairs are built to absorb impacts, which can help protect the wrestlers from getting hurt.

Moreover, WWE has strict rules about chair safety. Before using a chair in a match, it has to go through a careful inspection by a qualified safety official. This person checks to ensure the chair is safe in the ring.

There’s also a very important rule in WWE: No throwing chairs at each other. This rule is super strict, and they make sure everyone follows it. Wrestlers can’t toss chairs at their opponents during matches because it could lead to serious injuries.

So, when you see wrestlers using chairs in WWE, remember that they’re using specially designed chairs, and safety checks are in place to keep everyone safe. It’s all about ensuring the matches are exciting but safe for the wrestlers.

How WWE Superstars Use Chairs During The Matches?

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of- How WWE Superstars Use Chairs During The Matches
WWE Superstars Using Chairs

In WWE fighting, some of the biggest names have used chairs in their matches to entertain the fans. Below, I’ve discussed how John Cena, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Triple H used chairs to their advantage.

John Cena

John Cena, a beloved WWE superstar, is known for his creative use of chairs as weapons. He’s pulled off impressive stunts like the Attitude Adjustment and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, all with the help of a simple chair.

Brock Lesnar

Another formidable wrestler, Brock Lesnar, utilizes chairs to execute powerful suplexes and other impactful moves. His strength combined with a chair can be a devastating combination.

The Rock

The Rock, an iconic figure in WWE history, has a unique way of using chairs. He often employs a chair as a platform to launch his signature move, the People’s Elbow, thrilling the crowd.

Triple H

Triple H is well-known as a WWE superstar for using chairs in his matches. He strategically employs them to execute his signature move, the Pedigree, adding an extra layer of intensity to his bouts.

What Materials Are WWE Tables Made of?

In WWE, fans go wild when wrestlers crash through tables. But these tables are quite safe for the wrestlers. When a wrestler crashes through a table, it slows them down and isn’t as painful as it appears, as long as they land correctly in the middle.

WWE tables are different from the ones at home. They’re made of thin wood or plywood, which makes them easier to break with enough force. Wrestlers aim for the center of the table, the weakest point, to ensure it breaks.

These tables aren’t solid wood; they’re made of thin, hollow plywood that can be easily broken. Landing on a table often hurts less than landing on a wrestling mat. When a wrestler hits the table, their body distributes the impact evenly. It causes the table to snap or the legs to collapse, allowing them to land safely.

Are WWE Chairs Real?

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Yes, WWE chairs are real, but they’re not what they seem. These chairs are specially designed for wrestling matches. They look like regular chairs, but they’re made of lightweight aluminum, not heavy steel.

It makes them safer for the wrestlers to use during fights in the ring. So, while they may appear real, they’re unique chairs made for the world of WWE.


WWE chairs may look real, but they’re not quite what they seem. These chairs are made of lightweight aluminum and are designed for wrestling matches. They are different from the regular chairs we use at home.

This unique design helps keep the wrestlers safe while adding excitement to the matches. So, when you see WWE superstars using chairs in the ring, remember that they are real. But also consider that they are specially made for professional wrestling.

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