Is WWE Fake Blood

Shocking Facts: Is WWE Blood Real or Fake

WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. It is famous for its amazing and action-packed matches that keep fans excited. One exciting element that adds to the excitement is the company of blood. In the past, especially during the classical Mindset era, wrestlers continually used strong language and fought forcefully. If a wrestler promised a bloody match, they would do everything possible to make it happen. 

These bloody matches are now mostly a thing of the past. In today’s PG era, WWE has tough rules about showing blood and violence in the ring. Wrestlers no longer use strong language, and bleeding during matches is irregular. This marks a significant change from the more extreme days of wrestling. If you thought the blood you see in WWE is real? In this article, we will explore this question and discover the truth behind the dramatic shows of blood.

Is WWE Fake Blood

Important Factors of WWE Fake Blood

1. Blading

Wrestlers often start bleeding in WWE using a method called ‘blading.’ This involves cutting the skin with a razor blade during a match. The blade is usually hidden in a wristband or other tools and it is used carefully to avoid accidents. Blading is usually done after the match has been underway for a while. The cut is often made on the head, where it is hidden by the wrestler’s hair. 

Blading has become less popular in recent years due to concerns about extreme bleeding and accidental cuts to lanes. There are worries about diseases that can be spread through blood, which has led some wrestling companies to avoid blading and the use of real blood intentionally.

2. Hardway

There is another way wrestlers can bleed in WWE, called the ‘hard way.’ This happens when a foreign object, like a blade or a sharp object, is used to cause a cut purposely.

3. Elbows and Eyebrows

The object is often aimed at the eyebrow because this area manages to bleed more easily. Some wrestlers choose to use a well-placed elbow to break their opponent’s skin.

4. The bumps are Real

Professional wrestlers throw themselves onto the mat, shoot body blasts, drop kicks, and everything in between. Faking a fall or crash is impossible, especially with thousands of fans watching closely. Since the action happens live, all moves or “spots” are done in real-time and are not filmed in multiple takes as in TV shows or movies.

5. The blood is Real 

Fake blood is rarely used in professional wrestling. When a wrestler bleeds, it is either from an accidental cut or an intentional act. A random cut is called “getting broken open the hard way.” The blood is real and runs down the wrestler’s face. 

When a wrestler wants to add blood on purpose, they must use a razor blade hidden in their clothing in a process called “blading.” They carefully cut their forehead to make it bleed. This is known as “adding color” to a match in wrestling.

6. Blood Capsules

Sometimes, instead of cutting themselves, wrestlers use blood capsules. These small capsules are filled with fake blood and are hidden in their mouths. Wrestlers can bite down on them to release fake blood at exact moments during a match.

7. Creating Authenticity

Wrestlers in WWE are good at using blood capsules to make their fights look more real. They know when to bite the capsule to make it look like they are bleeding at just the right time. This makes the fights more exciting and dramatic for the audience.

8. Improving Safety

Using blood capsules gives wrestlers more control over how much blood there is and where it appears during a match. It also avoids the risks of blading, like infections or bleeding too much. Read more factor here

Also Read: How Does WWE Decide Who Wins the Wrestling Matches?

The Art of Blading

In pro wrestling, when a wrestler cuts themselves on goal to bleed during a match, it is called “blading.” They do this to make the game more extreme and add a feeling of danger to the story. But only some matches use this technique.

The Practice

Blading usually means using a small razor or something sharp that the wrestler hides. When they need to make it look like they are bleeding in a match, they will cut themselves carefully in a place that is not too clear. They often do this on the forehead or just above the eyebrow.

Safety Measures

Blading might look risky, but pro wrestlers are careful to reduce any dangers. They train and practice with maintenance before trying it for real. They also learn how to take care of their cuts properly after they have bladed.


WWE does not usually use real blood in matches. They use different techniques, such as blading or using blood capsules, to create the illusion of bleeding during matches. These methods are done by trained wrestlers who focus on safety and making the show entertaining. When you see blood in a WWE match, it is all about the performance and storytelling that make wrestling so exciting. In this article, I explored all questions about WWE Fake Blood and discovered the truth behind the dramatic shows of blood.


Is the Blood in WWE Real?

While the blood in WWE matches can sometimes be real, it is often the result of planned actions by the wrestlers, such as blading or using blood capsules.

What is Blading in WWE?

Blading is a technique used by wrestlers to create the impression of bleeding during a match. It interests using a small razor blade to make a directed cut on the forehead or eyebrow.

Are There Risks Involved in Blading?

Yes, blading can be risky as it can lead to infections or extreme bleeding if not done carefully. Wrestlers experience training and take protection to minimise these risks.

Why Do Wrestlers Use Blood Capsules?

Wrestlers use blood capsules to control the quantity and timing of blood in a match. It allows them to add authenticity to their performances without the risks associated with blading.

How Do Wrestlers Provide Safety When Using Blading or Blood Capsules?

Wrestlers experience training and practice to minimise risks when using blading or blood capsules. They also take protection to care for any cuts properly after the match.

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