Most Popular Christian MMA Fighters

Top 5 Most Popular Christian MMA and UFC Fighters (GOATs)

When we look deep into the world of MMA or UFC, we see that it’s not just raw power, technique, and strategy. It’s about attitude, the driving force, and for some fighters, their faith.

Faith and fighting may seem odd, but they have common ground in many ways.

One common question is, Are there any notable Christian Fighters in MMA? More than you can imagine. The most prominent names in the Christian world of MMA include Benson Henderson, Demetrious Johnson, Holly Holm, Mark Munoz, and Chris Weidman.

In this article, we will look deeper into the lives of these influential fighters and how their faith has shaped the lives of themselves and their fans alike.

Can a Christian Do MMA?

This is a question that Christians may ask themselves if they are considering getting involved in MMA, either as a fighter or as a fan.

The answer, of course, is that it depends on the individual and their reasons for wanting to participate. 

While some Christians may see no issue with participating in or watching MMA, others may have moral or ethical concerns about the sport’s violence.

It’s important for each Christian to prayerfully consider their convictions and consult with trusted spiritual advisers before deciding.

List of Top 5 Christian MMA Fighters

Most Popular Christian MMA Fighters

1. Benson Henderson

Benson Henderson, recognized in the MMA world as “Smooth,” is a prime example of a fighter who brings his Christian faith into his existence outside the cage and his performances within it.

His story is not just one of great athletic ability but also that he never gives up and always tries their best. They put a lot of hard work into everything they do.

Early Life and MMA Journey

Born on November 16, 1983, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Benson Henderson’s journey in MMA started in the early 2000s.

His path to expert combat became marked by willpower, discipline, and, most of all, his strong Christian religion. 

Henderson’s religion became a cornerstone of his lifestyle, teaching him values like humility, loyalty, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence.

Champion Inside the Cage

Benson’s rise to stardom in MMA is amazing. He made his mark in groups just like the WEC (World Extreme Cagefighting) before moving on to the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). It was in the UFC that he received his greatest honors.

Henderson won the UFC Lightweight Championship and effectively defended it more than once. His fighting style, characterized by striking and grappling, confirmed his versatility and ability. Yet, what set him aside was his behaviour outside of the cage.

Watch Benson Henderson’s MMA Fight
Video From YouTube: Creator – BellatorMMA

Faith at the Front

Henderson openly and proudly identifies as a Christian. His religion is critical in his life, affecting his fighting and relationships with fans and fellow fighters.

He’s recognized for thanking God in post-fight interviews and dedicating his fulfilment to his faith.

Henderson’s Influence

Benson Henderson’s adventure in MMA is a model for many future fighters, particularly those who share the Christian religion.

He demonstrates that being a fierce competitor within the cage is feasible while also being grounded in one’s beliefs and values.

Henderson has also used his platform outside the octagon to interact with his faith. He has been involved in charity work and network outreach efforts, further emphasizing the significance of giving back and having a high quality effect on others’ lives.

2. Demetrious Johnson

Demetrious Johnson 2nd Top Christian MMA Fighter of this article
Demetrious Johnson

Demetrious Johnson, also known as Mighty Mouse, is another top Christian American MMA fighter whose strong Christian beliefs have motivated him to achieve his goals, becoming one of the greatest fighters in the sport.

A Fighter’s Journey

Demetrious Johnson was born in Madisonville, Kentucky, on August 13, 1986. His adventure in MMA began with a bang in the mid-2000s when he embarked on his professional combating profession. Johnson’s awesome speed, method, and work ethic quickly brought him into the game’s spotlight.

The Role of Faith

Johnson often credits his faith as the driving force behind his fulfillment. His Christian beliefs offer him motivation beyond the pursuit of titles and glory. For him, it’s about representing something more than himself.

In interviews and public appearances, Johnson openly talks about the position of faith in his profession. He talks about how his faith helps him stay grounded, maintain his dignity, and handle victories and defeats gracefully. He often thanks God for his successes and uses his platform to encourage others through his faith journey.

Influence and Impact

Johnson’s faith has not only shaped his personal life but has also had a profound effect on the MMA network and his fans. His story is a source of inspiration, specifically for those who share his Christian beliefs.

He is a role model for his high-quality skills in the cage and his personality outside of it. He has engaged in charitable work and youth mentoring, demonstrating the significance of giving back and using one’s platform for good.

3. Holly Holm

Holly Holm Female 3rd Top Christian MMA Fighter of this article

Holly Holm, a well-known fighter in MMA, is known for her exceptional fighting talents, her Christian faith’s role in her lifestyle, and her fearless approach to the sport.

The Early Years and Rise to Prominence

Holly Holm was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on October 17, 1981. Her journey in combat sports started with a heritage in boxing, where she achieved huge success, becoming a more than one-time world champion. However, her shift to MMA made her an international sensation.

The Christian Faith as a Foundation

Throughout her existence and profession, Holly Holm has been open about her Christian faith and its profound influence on her values and approach to competition. 

She regularly speaks about how her religion serves as a foundation, giving her the bravery and courage to stand up to the demanding situations of the MMA world.

Defeating the Undefeated: Ronda Rousey

One of the most iconic moments in MMA history was Holly Holm’s victory over Ronda Rousey in November 2015. At the time, Rousey was considered unbeatable; however, Holm’s fearless method and striking skills led her to a stunning knockout win. 

In many ways, this victory captured the spirit of Holm’s fearlessness.

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4. Mark Munoz

Mark Munoz  4th Top Christian MMA Fighter of this article

Mark Munoz, known as The Filipino Wrecking Machine,” is not only a force to be dealt with within the MMA arena but also a fighter who openly embraces his Christian religion. His adventure is a compelling narrative of how religion and fighting can coexist, shape a fighter’s character, and inspire positive change in and out of the cage.

From Wrestling to MMA

Mark Munoz’s early athletic profession was focused on wrestling. Born on February 9, 1978, in Yokosuka, Japan, Munoz became a standout wrestler when he was a student at Oklahoma State University and later became an NCAA Division I wrestling coach. 

This history laid the foundation for his transition into professional MMA.

Faith as a Guiding Light

Throughout his life, Munoz has been an active Christian. His faith has been a source of strength, guiding him through the demanding situations and challenges of the combat world. 

Munoz highlights how his Christian beliefs help him maintain discipline, self-control, and resilience, critical values both inside the gym and in the cage.

Watch Mark Munoz’s Fight Video
Video From YouTube: Creator – UFC

Faith-Driven Initiatives

One of the most exquisite components of Mark Munoz’s profession is his determination to promote his Christian faith within the MMA community. He has performed wrestling and MMA camps with an emphasis on faith, highlighting the value of faith in the field and the importance of character for young athletes.

Munoz has extensively utilized his platform to share his religious adventure and how it has fashioned his existence. He frequently participates in speeches discussing how religion has stimulated his combat career and his method for overcoming challenges.

Retirement and Legacy

Mark Munoz retired from MMA in 2015, but his legacy lives on in the sport and beyond. He is remembered not only for his performances within the octagon but also for his impact on younger athletes and the MMA community through his religion-driven initiatives.

5. Chris Weidman

Chris Weidman Munoz is the 5th top Christian MMA Fighter of this article

Chris Weidman, a prominent name in MMA, is not only known for his fighting skills but also for his unwavering Christian faith.

A Rising Star in MMA

Born on June 17, 1984, in Baldwin, New York, Chris’s journey in MMA began with a successful collegiate wrestling career. He transitioned into professional MMA and quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation for his hard work, determination, and well-rounded fighting style.

Christian Faith as a Steadfast Guide

Weidman’s Christian faith plays a pivotal role in his life. He has openly shared how his beliefs provide him with a sense of purpose and morality in a sport known for its physical and mental challenges. Weidman frequently attributes his success and resilience to his faith.

A Role Model and Inspirational Figure

Chris Weidman is a role model for aspiring fighters and those who share his Christian faith. He exemplifies that faith in God can lead to success, even in facing challenges. 

Weidman’s humility, sportsmanship, and dedication to his faith have earned him respect inside and outside the MMA community.

Facing Adversity with Faith

Weidman’s career has not been without its challenges. Injuries and losses have pushed him to the limit, but his faith has consistently been a source of strength. He openly discusses how his belief system helps him navigate the highs and lows of the sport and how it provides him with a sense of purpose and meaning.

Is UFC Christian?

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is the world’s largest and most well-known MMA organization, but is it Christian?

The UFC is not a Christian organization and does not promote Christianity or actively promote any religion. Additionally, many fighters in the UFC are Christians; some have been vocal about their faith. So, while the UFC is not Christian, it is not necessarily anti-Christian.

Who Is the Most Famous Orthodox Christian MMA Fighter?

Most Popular Orthodox Christian MMA Fighters
Georges St-Pierre

Georges St-Pierre, one of the most famous MMA fighters of all time, is an Orthodox Christian. St-Pierre is a Canadian fighter who held the UFC welterweight title for several years and retired in 2019 with a record of 26-2. 

Despite his success in the octagon, St-Pierre has always been open about his Christian faith and credits it with helping him overcome anxiety and other mental health issues.

What Does the Bible Say about Fighting?

One of the reasons Christians may have concerns about MMA is the violence inherent in the sport. However, it’s worth noting that the Bible does not categorically forbid physical violence in self-defense or defence of others. 

There are several stories in the Bible in which God’s people are called to take up arms and defend themselves or their communities. However, the Bible also teaches that revenge and violence for its own sake are sinful and contrary to God’s will. 

Ultimately, Christians must seek to follow Christ’s example of love and non-violence while also exercising discernment and wisdom in response to the realities of a fallen world.


In MMA, Christian fighters like Benson Henderson, Demetrious Johnson, Holly Holm, Mark Munoz, and Chris Weidman demonstrate the deep bond between faith and courage. 

Their firm beliefs function as a guiding light, influencing their strategy when faced with opposition, their ability to overcome obstacles, and their impact on the game. 

Their tales encourage us to believe faith and fighting can coexist even in difficult situations, creating a culture of modesty, respect, and unwavering determination.

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