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6 Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense
Boxing-Kickboxing | Jiu-Jitsu | MMA | Muay Thai

6 Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense (2024 Picked)

In today’s world, many people feel unsafe and need to learn how to defend themselves. This is important for kids, adults, and older folks. That’s why schools and governments also teach self-defense. Self-defense means protecting yourself from others who might harm you. Learning self-defense has lots of benefits. One big one is feeling confident. When…

Is Jiu-Jitsu Dangerous BJJ Injury Ratio In Reality

Is Jiu-Jitsu Dangerous? BJJ Injury Ratio In Reality

Jiu-Jitsu has a long-standing martial arts history and has been regarded as one of the most effective fighting styles. But a primary concern for new candidates or people who wish to join the Jiu-Jitsu world is whether it is dangerous. Though considered one of the safest martial arts, Jiu-Jitsu still carries a risk of strains…

What is a Wrestling Ring Made Of WWE Ring Parts & Material

What Is A Wrestling Ring Made Of? WWE Ring Parts & Material 

The wrestling ring is a crucial piece of equipment that sets the stage for every match. But have you ever stopped to wonder what a wrestling ring is made of?  The ring is typically constructed using a combination of steel, wood, and foam padding. The type and quality of materials used in a wrestling ring…

Is WWE Fake Blood

Shocking Facts: Is WWE Blood Real or Fake

WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. It is famous for its amazing and action-packed matches that keep fans excited. One exciting element that adds to the excitement is the company of blood. In the past, especially during the classical Mindset era, wrestlers continually used strong language and fought forcefully. If a wrestler promised a bloody…

All About Jake Paul From Social Media Star to Boxer
Athletes | Boxing-Kickboxing

Jake Paul Updated 2024 Bio: From Social Media Star to Boxer

Jake Paul is a famous YouTuber and social media star. He is also getting into boxing and wants to become a champion. He is well-known on social media all around the world. Jake Paul began his journey in entertainment with his brother Logan Paul when he was only ten years old. Now, at 26 years…

Nate Diaz Life Journy form child to now
Athletes | Jiu-Jitsu | MMA | UFC

Nate Diaz: His Life Journey (From Childhood to 2024)

In the world of martial arts, one of the most well-known figures is Nate Diaz. Renowned for being the winner of The Ultimate Fighter, Diaz remained an important part of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) for over 15 years.  During his ownership in UFC,  Nate Diaz bagged over 16 trophies and is titled the third…

Is Wrestling Dangerous - Injuries and Safety Ratio

Is Wrestling Dangerous? Injuries and Safety Ratio

Wrestling, a sport steeped in tradition and enjoyed by people from every age group, is a fascinating exhibition of strength, strategy, and resolve. As wrestlers collide on mats and rings, many think wrestling is dangerous. Is wrestling dangerous? Even though Wrestling is a scripted sport, there is still the danger of major injuries for wrestlers…

What is the Highest Belt in Karate?

What is the Highest Belt in Karate? Ranking System Explained

Karate is a martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan. Over the long course of history, Karate has gone beyond Japanese cultural borders and is now known worldwide. As it focuses on your personal development, self-defense, and discipline, Karate has a system of colored belts to demonstrate a Karateka’s skill level in Karate. The highest…

Best Jiu-Jitsu Books to Buy in 2024

Best Jiu-Jitsu Books to Buy in 2024, Guides on Jiu-Jitsu

Want to learn Jiu-Jitsu but feel weak by jumping straight into class? Jiu-Jitsu books offer a flexible way to gain foundational knowledge at your own pace. They break down techniques, explain competition rules, and provide insights you might not get on the mat right away. Think of them as your Jiu-Jitsu study guides. They’ll prepare…

Jiu-Jitsu Stretches to improve your fitness

5 Jiu-Jitsu Stretches To Improve Your Flexibility

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu doesn’t necessarily favor the flexible, but possessing good flexibility can be advantageous. Flexibility is not solely dependent on genetics, but incorporating Jiu-Jitsu stretches exercises after a light warm-up and before BJJ training is a beneficial practice. Weight training isn’t necessary for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but being stronger or more explosive can help in certain…

Effective Jiu-Jitsu Submissions

Top 15 Effective Jiu-Jitsu Submissions

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is renowned for its diverse array of submission techniques that enable practitioners to control and submit opponents effectively. In this collection of instructional guides, BJJ World Champions from the Evolve Fight Team demonstrate key details and variations of powerful chokes and submissions.  The highly effective submissions are; Let’s dive into the confusion…

How Much Are Jiu-Jitsu Classes

How Much Are Jiu-Jitsu Classes? Cost of BJJ Training Gyms

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has gained global popularity as a versatile pursuit encompassing self-defense, sport, and physical fitness. Prospective practitioners often grapple with concerns over the associated costs, which can vary significantly based on factors like gym location and amenities.  Monthly fees can range from $100 to $300, influenced by factors like the academy’s size, location, and…

Muay Thai Stances
Muay Thai

5 Ways To Master Muay Thai Stances – A Beginner Guide

Muay Thai, known as the “Art of Eight Limbs,” is considered one of the most effective striking martial arts globally. Originating from Thailand, this sport allows the use of fists, elbows, knees, and legs, making it a comprehensive stand-up discipline.  If you’re new to Muay Thai, don’t be intimidated. This guide is here to help…

Top 10 Different Types of Jiu-Jitsu

Top 10 Different Types of Jiu-Jitsu 

Jiu-Jitsu is a Japanese Martial Art known for its close-quarters combat. Most of its sub-divisions use unarmed hand-to-hand combat, but some also utilize weapons, as these styles were used in battles. In today’s world, Jiu-Jitsu is used as a defensive skill to subdue a threat. It also has gained prominence in the entertainment world. Jiu-Jitsu…

Gi Vs. No-GI Jiu-Jitsu - Which BJJ Is Better

Gi Vs. No-GI Jiu-Jitsu – Difference Between Two BJJ Styles

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) became more popular during the second half of the 20th century. Its rise created a new variation, and today, we have its two branches, Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu. The main difference is the clothing and techniques. Gi Jiu-Jitsu is practiced with a Kimono uniform, and No-Gi fighters wear body-tight shirts and…

Best Kickboxing Gloves, The Ultimate Guide to Your Best Glove Choice

Best Kickboxing Gloves, The Ultimate Guide to Your Best Glove Choice

Best Kickboxing Gloves are used in most combat sports, and you can use them easily with a slight adjustment. It is the demand of the time to use some reliable gloves to save your hands from being injured or to save the opponent from getting injured. There are different types of gloves used by the…

32 Best BJJ Fighters For All Time with images and their status
Athletes | Jiu-Jitsu

32 Best BJJ G.O.A.T.s Fighters (Details With Pictures!)

Maybe you’ve been searching for the best BJJ fighters but haven’t found a comprehensive guide. Well, look no further! In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete guide so that by the end, you’ll have all the information you need without having to visit other websites. What is BJJ? BJJ stands for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,…

Top 10 Jiu-Jitsu Positions That You Must Know

Top 10 Jiu-Jitsu Positions That You Must Know

Jiu-Jitsu is a world-famous martial art that has attracted millions around the world. Before professionally entering Jiu-Jitsu, players need to know about all the positions that set the basis for Jiu-Jitsu. You must know how to do these moves and escape from them if the opponent uses them. The basic moves of Jiu-Jitsu include The…

Best Kickboxing Shin Guards, The Ultimate Guide 2023

Best Kickboxing Shin Guards The Ultimate Guide 2024

Kickboxing is a charming military workmanship and battle sport that expects members to wear the fundamental defensive stuff. Shin protectors are an unquestionable necessity for forestalling wounds to your lower legs both during training and contest. For your safety and efficiency, you must use the best kickboxing shin guards. There are a number of vital…

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hand Wraps for Boxing

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hand Wraps for Boxing

When it comes to boxing, protecting your hands is essential for a successful and injury-free training session or match. The Ultimate Guide to the Best Hand Wraps for Boxing is your first line of defence against potential injuries, providing support and stability to your wrists and knuckles. Use all safety Things for your protection like…

Explore the difference between Kickboxing and Boxing. Uncover how each discipline shapes fitness, technique, and self-defense strategy

Difference Between Kickboxing and Boxing – Explained

Boxing and Kickboxing are the two most recognized sports in entertainment and self-defense. These fighting styles are quite similar, with the only major difference being the “Kick” in Kickboxing. Here is a quick reflection on the difference between kickboxing and boxing. As evident from the names of the sports, boxing focuses on punches and their…

Here is a list of the cheap, strongest, and best athletic tapes reviews for sports to wrap on the ankle, arm, and other body parts.

10 Best Athletic Tapes for Ultimate Support, Mobility and Protection

You must have heard about the wonders of the best athletic tapes if you are an athlete, gymnast, or bodybuilder. They provide support to knees and joints and can help restrict mobility in targeted areas.  Thus, having a viable athletic tape is crucial if you are an athlete or into extreme exercising. Initially, you might…

Types oF Kicks in Kickboxing

11 Different Types oF Kicks in Kickboxing & Their Benefits

In kickboxing, kicks are like your long range weapons. There are lots of different ways to learn kicks in kickboxing, and it varies depending on the style you are using. Some of the basic kicks in kickboxing include the roundhouse body kick, high kick, and leg/low kick. If you are more advanced, you might try…

Kickboxing Foot Wraps

Kickboxing Foot Wraps: A Comprehensive Guide

Kickboxing is a dynamic sport that requires not only quickness and force but also suitable protective gear. Kickboxing foot wraps are often underestimated but are crucial for protecting and supporting your feet throughout practice and competition. Kickboxing foot wraps are protection gear worn around the foot and ankle during training or fights in kickboxing. They are…

17 BJJ Rules For Beginners, Competition Guide For Beginners

17 BJJ Rules For Beginners (Must Read)

Let’s start at the BJJ Rules For Beginners. The IBJJF stands for the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art about controlling and submitting opponents through techniques, not strength. It is all about wrestling and using technique to make your opponent give up. It is guided by the people associated with…

How Much is Kickboxing Classes

How Much are Kickboxing Classes? Cost & Detail For Newbies

Are you ready to punch your way to fitness and confidence? Kickboxing classes offer an exciting path to self-improvement. From costs and gear to the benefits of commitment, we will guide you through the world of kickboxing classes, helping you make the best choice for your journey to a healthier, more empowered you. If you…

Best Online Martial Arts Training Classes

10 Best Online Martial Arts Training Classes and Courses

With so much technological advancement, everything is now “one touch away.” But did you know that you can also join the best online martial arts training classes from home? Yes, it is possible to learn professional martial arts online and earn certifications for it. In fact, I was surprised to learn that the online martial…

Mastering the Art of Beginner Kickboxing: Easy Steps for Newbies

Mastering the Art of Beginner Kickboxing: Easy Steps for Newbies

Kickboxing is an excellent and exciting way to learn how to protect yourself and get super fit at the same time. If you are just starting and feeling a little interested, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explain the world of beginner kickboxing. We will show you what it…

4 Main Types Of Karate , Other Types Of Karate & Their Benefits 

4 Main Types Of Karate , Other Types Of Karate & Their Benefits 

Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art that has gained worldwide recognition for its unique mixture of physical fitness and self-defense techniques. Outside its physical factors, karate places a strong emphasis on respect and self-control for the man. It is not only a means of self-defense but also a way of life, promoting personal growth,…

The Best Free Standing Punching Bag, Improve Your Game 

The Best Free Standing Punching Bag, Improve Your Game 

Are you looking to free your inner fighter and level up your training right at home? Best Free Standing Punching Bag might just be your ideal training partner. These universal pieces of kit offer a suitable way to practice boxing kickboxing needed for the wall or ceiling for hanging. In this article, we will explore…

Best Kickboxing Pads

10 Best Kickboxing Pads For Practice Matches 

Over the years in the MMA world, I have tried all the necessary tools to become a professional fighter. I have experimented with materials from countless manufacturers, from gloves to grappling gear. One category in the arsenal of gear required for Kickboxing that is often overlooked but essential for training and sparring sessions is kick…

Best Beginner Punching Bags

7 Best Beginner Punching Bags, How To Choose, Pros & Cons

Are you just starting to learn boxing or martial arts? If so, you will need a punching bag to practice and get better.This is the very powerful tool for beginners to improve their kicking speed and game. Any punching bags to choose from can be mistaken for beginners. In this post, we will support you…

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of

What Are WWE Chairs Made Of? Steel or Plastic? 

Have you ever wondered why WWE chairs look like hard plastic? How are they set on TV shows? Wrestlers use “steel” chairs, but real steel would cause serious head injuries. So the question is: What are WWE chairs made of? The so-called “steel” chairs in WWE aren’t steel; they’re made of lighter metal. These chairs…

20 Different Martial Arts Types

20 Different Martial Arts Types – Revealed All

The world of Martial Arts is bigger than you can imagine. It covers a huge array of fighting styles originating from places worldwide. Each Martial Art has its own perspective and rules and regulations for fights. Some are safe, while others are really hard to master. From Tai Chi to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, each style has…

How Does WWE Work History, Basics, Rules, and Advancement

How Does WWE Work? History, Basics, Rules, and Advancement

Professional wrestling has won the hearts of millions worldwide for decades. WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), which has earned popularity globally over the years since its inception, is one of the most prominent organizations in the world of professional wrestling.  Professional wrestling, or WWE, is a unique combination of athleticism, choreography, and storytelling. Wrestling, at its…

Do UFC Fighters Wear Cups

Do UFC Fighters Wear Cups? Rules on Wearing Protective Gear

The cup, a fundamental component designed to protect fighters’ delicate groin area during hard battles, is one key protective equipment frequently under investigation. If you want an answer to whether UFC fighters wear cups, you are at the right place. Yes, UFC fighters do wear protective cups in modern UFC fights. This is for the…

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System
Muay Thai

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System – Belt Levels Explained

Bang Muay Thai is a modern martial art combining traditional Muay Thai techniques with a flexible strategy focusing on rapid changes between striking, clinching, takedowns, and ground techniques. But how does the Bang Muay Thai ranking system work? The Candidates rank up through the belt system. Different colors represent the belts, each symbolizing the candidate’s…

How Many Points is a Takedown in UFC Scoring Rules

How Many Points is a Takedown in UFC? Scoring Rules

The UFC, known as the Ultimate Fighting Championship, is a well-known MMA-fighting organization where two fighters engage in thrilling hand-to-hand combat. The fighter with the highest score at the end of the game wins. Both fighters are ranked according to scores. A common question is how much a Takedown, a daring move in the fight,…

Kickboxing vs Aikido

Kickboxing vs. Aikido – What is the Difference?

Martial arts are a great way to get fit, stay active, and increase self-discipline. But comparing martial arts styles and deciding which is right for you can be overwhelming. Kickboxing and Aikido are two popular sports with many health benefits. But they are different in style.  Kickboxing is a striking-based combat sport that involves punches,…

Kickboxing vs UFC

Kickboxing vs UFC – What is the Difference? Which is Better?

Kickboxing and UFC are popular martial arts styles, but they differ. Many people need clarification on the difference while watching kickboxing and UFC fight matches. Because the fighting style looks similar, but you may see the difference if you focus on fighting.  So what is the difference between Kickboxing vs UFC? Kickboxing is a combat…

Kickboxer vs. Wrestler – Who is the Best? Top Fighters List
Boxing-Kickboxing | Wrestling

Kickboxer vs. Wrestler – Who is the Best? Top Fighters List

Who would win in a fight between a kickboxer vs. wrestler? It’s an age-old question that has been debated since the dawn. Well, not really, but it’s something that many people have wondered about.  What’s the difference between a kickboxer and a wrestler? Kickboxing emphasizes striking techniques using punches and kicks, often standing up. In…

Who will win between Kickboxing vs Wrestling Learn the rules, techniques, basics, what to choose, and which one is right for you.
Boxing-Kickboxing | Wrestling

Kickboxing vs. Wrestling: Difference and Which is Better?

Wrestling and kickboxing are two popular sports that have been around since ancient times. While they share many similarities, there are some distinct differences between them.  The main difference between kickboxing and wrestling is, Kickboxing focuses on striking with fists and feet, emphasizing agility and precision. Wrestling, however, is about grappling and ground control, prioritizing…

Kickboxing vs Judo

Kickboxing vs Judo: What is the Difference in Techniques? 

For years martial arts enthusiasts have debated the differences between kickboxing vs judo. Both sports are full-contact combat activities, but they employ vastly different techniques, strategies, and rules.  What is the difference between Kickboxing and Judo? Kickboxing is a striking-based martial art combining punches, kicks, and knee strikes, focusing on stand-up combat. Judo, on the…

kickboxing vs Martial Arts

Kickboxing vs Martial Arts | What is The Difference?

If you want to get fit and learn a few self-defense techniques, you may be considering kickboxing vs martial arts. Both of these activities have numerous benefits, but they also differ in many aspects.  So, what is the difference between kickboxing and other Martial Arts? Kickboxing is a combative sport that combines moves such as…

Which is better Kickboxing vs Kung Fu? Who will win? Learn the difference between rules, self-defense, training, techniques, and a real fight.

Kickboxing vs Kung Fu | Which Martial Art Is Right For You? 

Martial arts are an excellent way to get fit, learn self-defense, and boost your confidence. But with so many martial arts out there, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. In this article, I’ll compare two popular martial arts kickboxing vs kung fu.  What is the difference between Kickboxing and…

Kickboxing Weight Classes

Kickboxing Weight Classes | List of Top 14 Most Common

If you’ve ever watched a kickboxing match, you will have noticed that the participants are divided into weight classes. But do you know what those Kickboxing weight classes are?  Do you understand their differences and how to find out which one is best for you?  In this blog post, I’ll discuss the different kickboxing weight…

Is Karate a Sport?

Is Karate a Sport? (Proved) It’s an Olympics Official Sport

Karate is a traditional martial art that originated in Okinawa, Japan, in the early 20th century. While it was primarily developed for self-defense, it has gained popularity as a competitive sport. But the question remains, is karate a sport?  Yes, Karate is an international sport that is also played in the Olympics. Karate ticks all…

What is the difference between Grappling Vs. Wrestling and which is better Learn the similarities, rules, techniques, pros, cons, and which is harder.

Grappling Vs Wrestling | What Is The Difference? 

Are you new to martial arts, grappling, and wrestling? Either way, you might wonder about the differences and similarities between grappling vs wrestling. While both involve close-contact combat, they have distinct techniques, rules, and goals.  So, what is the difference between grappling vs. wrestling? The main difference is, Grappling encompasses various techniques, including submissions, joint…

What is Leg Wrestling

What is Leg Wrestling? A Guide to the Technique and Rules

Leg wrestling, also known as Indian leg wrestling, is a sport that has been gaining popularity in recent times. This unique form of wrestling tests the strength of the legs of two opponents as they struggle to push each other off balance.  What is leg wrestling? Leg wrestling is a sport in which two opponents…

Do Wrestlers Wear Cups?

Do Wrestlers Wear Cups? How do they Protect Yourself (2024)

The groin is one area that is sensitive and needs enough protection. Many people ask this question, or some search it on the internet: “Do wrestlers wear cups?”  Generally, wrestlers don’t wear cups they wear jockstraps, regular briefs, singlets or tight-fitting wrestling apparel for proper movement and grip to protect their sensitive parts. There are…

women kickboxing apparel list

Women’s Kickboxing Apparel – 9 Things Female Need For Fight 

Whether you are a beginner looking to get into kickboxing or an experienced competitor, having the right apparel is key. From head to toe, proper Women’s Kickboxing apparel ensures comfort and safety while giving you confidence.  Many women’s kickboxing apparel options are on the market, so it can be difficult to know which items are…

What is Combat Jiu-Jitsu? Rules, History, BJJ vs. CJJ

What is Combat Jiu-Jitsu? Rules, History, BJJ vs. CJJ

Combat Jiu-Jitsu is a hybrid version of Brazilian jiu-jitsu with open-palm strikes to make it more realistic and closer to reality. Combat jiu-jitsu open-palm strike permission opens up new ways of defense and attack. There are no points to earn; only submission or TKO is needed to win the game.  Eddie Bravo is the founder…

What is the difference between Dutch Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai Let’s compare their history, rules, techniques, stances, kicks, punches, careers, etc.
Boxing-Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Dutch Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai | What is the Difference? 

If you’re a fan of martial arts, then chances are you’ve heard of Dutch kickboxing and Muay Thai. Although the two fighting styles share similarities, there are also some important differences regarding their history, techniques, and effectiveness in combat.  The difference between Dutch kickboxing vs. Muay Thai is; Dutch kickboxing emphasizes powerful kicks combined with…

Is Kickboxing good for strength training

Is Kickboxing Good For Strength Training & Muscle Building?

Are you looking for an effective and fun way to get in shape? Kickboxing is an excellent exercise that can help you achieve your desired strength training goals while having a great time. It is an ideal way to build muscle and burn fat by combining multiple movements, such as punches and kicks.  So, is…

Kickboxing Vs. Krav Maga Difference - Which is Better

Kickboxing Vs. Krav Maga | Difference – Which is Better?

Both kickboxing and Krav Maga are popular martial arts that focus on physical fitness, self-defense, and combat. But what are the key differences between Kickboxing vs. Krav Maga? The main difference between Kickboxing and Krav Maga is, Kickboxing emphasizes striking techniques such as punches, kicks, stances, and footwork. In contrast, Krav Maga focuses on defending…

Difference Between Kickboxing vs. Jiu-Jitsu Basics & Rules
Jiu-Jitsu | Boxing-Kickboxing

Difference Between Kickboxing vs. Jiu-Jitsu? Basics & Rules

Kickboxing vs. Jiu-Jitsu have grown in popularity in recent years due to the increased awareness of martial arts-based fitness. Both can be intense physical activities that improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance.  So, which one is better?  Here we compare the two martial arts to help you make an informed decision about which one is…

Kickboxing Vs. Karate - Difference in Basics, Goals & Rules

Kickboxing Vs. Karate – Difference in Basics, Goals & Rules

For those looking to explore martial arts, two of the most popular disciplines are kickboxing and karate. Each of these styles has its own unique approach to physical and mental well-being, making it difficult to determine which one is right for you.  Let’s take a closer look at these two martial arts styles and discuss…

What is the Difference Between Kickboxing Vs. Taekwondo

What is the Difference Between Kickboxing Vs. Taekwondo?

If you’re considering taking up a martial art, two of the most popular choices are kickboxing and taekwondo. Both offer different techniques and philosophies, so it’s important to understand their differences. Let’s look at the key distinctions between kickboxing and taekwondo. The main difference between kickboxing and Taekwondo is, Kickboxing is a mixed martial art…

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

If you’re looking for an effective way to work out and stay in shape, kickboxing, and MMA are two great options. They offer a full-body workout to get your heart pumping and your muscles burning. But which one is right for you?  What is the difference between kickboxing vs. MMA? The main difference between kickboxing…

Kickboxing Before and After Body Transformation Guide

Kickboxing Before and After Body Transformation Guide

Whether you’re a fitness novice or an experienced athlete, kickboxing can be a great way to get fit. It provides a full-body workout that works your arms, legs, core, and cardio; still an incredibly effective way to build muscle, lose weight, and boost your overall level of health.  But what do you need to know…

Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai
Boxing-Kickboxing | Muay Thai

Kickboxing Vs. Muay Thai – Difference of Rules & Kicks

If you want to try a new martial art or get into a great workout routine, you may be debating between kickboxing and Muay Thai. Both are great options, but it’s important to understand their differences to determine which one is right for you.  So, what are the differences between kickboxing and Muay Thai? The difference…

Types of Kickboxing

6 Types of Kickboxing – What Are The Different Styles?

If you’re looking for a high-intensity workout that improves your self-defense skills, kickboxing might be just what you need. Kickboxing is a combat sport combining martial arts elements such as karate, boxing, and Muay Thai. Here is a quick list of six different types of Kickboxing. In this article, we will explore the different types…

Best Kickboxing Clothing Brands

Top 16 Best Kickboxing Clothing Brands For Male/Female

Kickboxing is an incredibly popular sport, and many men and women are interested in it. One of the most important things to consider when starting kickboxing is finding the right kickboxing clothing brands.  Because you want something that looks good, but you also need clothing that can stand up to the rigorous workout a kickboxing…

Kickboxing vs Cardio Kickboxing - What is the Difference

Kickboxing vs. Cardio Kickboxing – What is the Difference?

Regarding a great workout, kickboxing vs cardio kickboxing are both excellent choices.  Kickboxing is a martial art combining boxing, karate, and Muay Thai elements. It is an excellent way to get a full-body workout while learning self-defense skills. On the other hand, Cardio kickboxing is an aerobic workout that uses kickboxing-style movements and martial arts…

Kickboxing Rules

10 Kickboxing Rules & Regulations – Techniques For Champions

Kickboxing is an exciting and dynamic combat sport that has grown in popularity. It combines elements of boxing, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo, allowing participants to engage in a full-body workout that’s both physically and mentally stimulating.  But, just like any other sport, kickboxing has rules and regulations that must be followed for safety and fairness….

Is Kickboxing Dangerous Sport? Injury Rate & Death Chances

Is Kickboxing Dangerous Sport? Injury Rate & Death Chances

If you’ve been considering kickboxing as your go-to exercise, you may be wondering if kickboxing is dangerous. The answer depends on several factors, such as the frequency of practice and whether proper safety precautions are taken.  So, is Kickboxing dangerous?  Kickboxing is a safe sport, as it has only 2.5% chances of casual injuries. For…

Is Kickboxing Good For Self Defense

Is Kickboxing Good For Self Defense? Top 3 Reasons To Learn 

If you’re unsure whether kickboxing is good for self-defense, the answer is yes. Kickboxing is beneficial for beginners who may not have experience in fighting or defending themselves in challenging situations. It provides an effective entry into martial arts. Let’s learn more about is kickboxing useful for self-defense, I’ll also explain the different benefits of…

Kickboxing Women vs Men - Who is Better and Win the Battle

Kickboxing Women vs Men – Who is Better and Win the Battle? 

Kickboxing is a popular sport that both men and women compete in. Women are often seen as not being as strong as men, but kickboxing proves this assumption wrong.  So, who will win the fight between Kickboxing women vs men? The one who has more skills, stamina, fighting techniques, and dedication to fight will win…

In this image we discuss the 12 best female kickboxers of all time in the world for details we discuss in the article
Boxing-Kickboxing | Athletes

List of 12 Best Female Kickboxers of All Time in The World

Women have been engaging in combat sports for centuries, but kickboxing is still a relatively new sport for women. Still, many female kickboxers have already made their mark on the sport and created a legacy that will live on for generations.  Here are 12 of the best female kickboxers of all time. These are some…

Is Kickboxing Good For Females

Is Kickboxing Good For Females? Yes It’s – Best 3 Reasons

Kickboxing is an increasingly popular exercise for people of all ages and genders. It’s a great way to get in shape, build muscle, and learn self-defense. However, some women who want to become a kickboxer still thinks is kickboxing good for females or not. Yes, kickboxing is a good sport for females as it gives…

Benefits of Kickboxing for Women

Top 12 Benefits of Kickboxing for Women – Best Advantages

Kickboxing is a great way to get fit, build strength, and have fun. It’s also an excellent way for women to learn self-defense. Kickboxing may be the perfect activity for those looking for a full-body workout that can help build both physical and mental strength.  Though there are many benefits of kickboxing for women. Here…