FightFalcon is the number #1 website related to combat combat sports. We welcome you if you are interested in writing for us about Mixed Martial Arts, such as kickboxing, boxing, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, muay Thai, karate etc.

Additionally, we are also accepting champions of martial arts suchs as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan legends of martial arts, Khabib Nurmagomedov champion of MMA and there are millions more champions in the combat sports world. So, we warmly welcome writers who can contribute articles about these types of champions.

The purpose of this article is to inform you that if you are writing something for our website, you should feel free to Contact Us Now. If you have any questions or confusion please explain everything in the mail or message. we will reply to you ASAP.

Who We Are?

We are a combat sports website that covers content related to Mixed Martial Arts. We have over 5 writers and 3 designers working for this website. In simple words, we are a small library of the Mixed Martial Arts, providing updated information to users and fulfilling their requirements.

Our Website Traffic and Authority:

  • In the past 28 days, our website has been shown 74,700 times on Google, with 2320 visitors, as shown in the image below.
  • Additionally, some visitors come from other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo.
  • Some users also access our site through platforms like Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. We are continuously working on improving our site, so these numbers are expected to increase over time.
  • According to Moz Domain Authority (DA) is 8 at this time. (Pleae keep in mind this is naturally DA, We cannot increase this manually with low quality or redirection backlinks)
  • According to Ahrefs FightFalcon Domain Rating (DR) is 24 at this time. (Same like DA, this is natural DR, We cannot increase this manually with low quality or PBN backlinks)
  • Our website spam scorce is just 1%
  • Most of the traffic from teir 1 country. Most traffic from USA, UK, Canada And Australia as shown in the image below.
FightFalcon search console traffic

This is the Microsoft Clarity traffic of the previous 7 days. In this traffic, other search engine traffic is also included, such as Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.

This is the Microsoft Clarity traffic of the previous 7 days if you are intrested to write for us must check this

What do we Expect from You?

These are some content writing guidelines for you when you submit an article for FightFalcon please note these points;

  • First of all which is very important please make sure that the article provides value to users. This means fulfilling the users’ requirements. For example, if you are writing about “Khabib Nurmagomedov Networth”. it’s important to provide the correct and detailed answer with the reference. This includes detailing how much money comes from football, how much comes from advertisements, and so on, saving the user from having to visit other articles for this information.
  • You must provide the 600+ words article make sure to focus on quality rather than quantity.
  • When providing external links, ensure they lead to relevant websites that benefit users. The best approach is to provide an external link if the information is not available in the article. Secondly, mention the website from which you obtained the answer. For example, according to, Khabib net worth is $40 million in 2024. By linking to Sportsnorm in this case, Google trusts that you are providing accurate information.
  • You must add at least 1 image. The best way is to create an image on Canva or any other website that is unique. Please make sure to add ALT text when you add an image and if the image is duplicate then please add the source.
  • The title must be under 60 characters
  • Must provide the meta description under 160 characters.
  • Please add at least 1 internal link.
  • The article must be written in English language.
  • The article must be written by a human. We accept around 10-15% AI-generated content, but fully AI-generated content is not accepted.
  • If you follow the Google EEAT Guidline and submitt the article this will be amazed.

Please follow these requirements when you write the article. If there are things that are not possible for you, don’t worry; just contact us. We are always available to help you.

Why ‘Write for Us’:

The ‘Write for Us’ page can be a win-win for both website owners and guest writers, helping to create a dynamic and engaging online community. Below are the explanations for both parties.

Benefits For You:

  • A Lots of Viewers On Your Article: Your article will be seen by thousands of viewers from different search engines.
  • Improved SEO: You can get a backlinks from our site, meaning that our viewers will visit your website which can positively impact in search engine rankings. When a website links back to your content, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant, which can result in higher rankings for your own website.
  • Get the Socaial Traffic: We may share your articles on our social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest (if you provide a unique image), and Reddit.
  • You Can Join Us As A MemberTeam: The best part is, if you write well, we can also pay you on a monthly/weekly basis or per article bases.
  • We Can Help You: If you’re interested, we can provide you with low competition SEO keywords, helping your article rank in a very short time.
  • Give You Author: If you write well and are an expert in your field, we can create an author account for you. This will enable you to write and publish articles anytime. Additionally, we can add your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles so people can connect with you.

Benefits For US:

  • Content Generation: By inviting guest writers to contribute on our website, we can get a fresh and differing content. This can help keep our website updated regularly without completely relying on our own resources.
  • Increased Traffic: When we welcome guest contributors, they often bring their own audience to our website through promotion on their own content. This can lead to increased traffic and exposure for our site.
  • Unique Points of View:: Guest writers offer different viewpoints, expertise, and experiences, enriching the content on our website. This diversity can attract a wider audience and keep our existing readers engaged.
  • Networking Opportunities: Collaborating with guest writers helps us build relationships within our industry or niche. This can lead to future collaborations, partnerships, or other opportunities for growth.
  • Earning money: In many cases, publishers want a dofollow link from our website, which allows our link juice to flow to their site, so improves their SEO efforts. As a result, we charge them a small fee for this service, which helps us make some extra money.
  • Cost Savings: Depending on our arrangement with guest writers, we may be able to acquire content for our website without incurring significant costs associated with hiring full-time writers or freelancers.

What Sports Categories We Accecpt?

On we don not accecpt the article which is not realted to martial arta. We prioritize quality and accept all types of articles related to Martial Arts including:

  1. Write For Us Boxing
  2. Write For Us Kickboxing
  3. Write For Us Muay Thai
  4. Write For Us Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
  5. Write For Us Wrestling
  6. Write For Us Judo
  7. Write For Us Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)
  8. Write For Us Taekwondo
  9. Write For Us Karate
  10. Write For Us Savate
  11. Write For Us Sambo
  12. Write For Us Lethwei
  13. Write For Us Sanda
  14. Write For Us Eskrima
  15. Write For Us Krav Maga
  16. Write For Us Wushu
  17. Write For Us Pencak Silat
  18. Write For Us Capoeira
  19. Write For Us Kendo etc

Additionally We’re also accecpt the legends of Martial arts such.

Please note that we don’t accept sports that are illegal and we do not promote or provide links to these types of sports.

How to Submit Your Article?

It’s simple. Send your article to [email protected]. We will respond to you within 12 to 24 hours. However, if you don’t receive a response within 24 hours, please contact us through LinkedIn or WhatsApp for a faster response.