Kickboxing vs UFC

Kickboxing vs UFC – What is the Difference? Which is Better?

Kickboxing and UFC are popular martial arts styles, but they differ. Many people need clarification on the difference while watching kickboxing and UFC fight matches. Because the fighting style looks similar, but you may see the difference if you focus on fighting. 

So what is the difference between Kickboxing vs UFC? Kickboxing is a combat sport that focuses on strikes using punches, kicks, and knee strikes. UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) is a mixed martial arts organization that incorporates various combat sports disciplines like kickboxing, grappling, and wrestling.

Let me show you more differences between these two styles. Ensure you read till the end to learn more. 

A Comparison of Kickboxing vs UFC

Kickboxing vs UFC

Kickboxing Basics

Kickboxing is a form of martial arts that focuses on stand-up striking techniques such as punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. It also involves defending oneself against strikes from an opponent. 

Kickboxing consists of rounds that last three minutes each, with a one-minute break in between rounds. Kickboxing aims to use techniques to score points or knock out your opponent.

UFC Basics

UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship and is a mixed martial arts (MMA) form. 

In addition to the stand-up striking techniques used in kickboxing, UFC fighters are also trained in grappling techniques like wrestling, judo, and jiujitsu. This means that they can fight standing up and on the ground. 

There are five rounds in a typical UFC fight, each lasting five minutes with a one-minute break between rounds. UFC fighting aims to knock out or submit your opponent through various techniques such as submission holds or strikes.

Training & Techniques

Kickboxing is a sport that combines elements of boxing and karate, while UFC utilizes a variety of martial arts such as judo, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, kickboxing, and more. 

In terms of technique, kickboxing relies heavily on punches and kicks, while UFC fighters use a combination of striking and grappling techniques. UFC fighters must be proficient in both categories to succeed in the octagon.

Popularity & Popular Fighters

Kickboxing vs UFC - Which is Popular
Which is Popular?

When it comes to popularity, kickboxing is typically more popular than UFC because it has been around longer. 

However, over the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in MMA (mixed martial arts) due to the presence of high-profile athletes such as Conor McGregor, Georges St-Pierre, Anderson Silva, Ronda Rousey, and many others. This has helped boost the popularity of UFC significantly.

Injury & Safety Concerns

The biggest difference between kickboxing and UFC is how much contact is allowed in each sport. 

In kickboxing matches, fewer strikes are allowed than in MMA fights with padded gloves instead of the 4 oz fight gloves used by MMA fighters. 

As a result, kickboxers have fewer injuries than mixed martial artists who compete in full-contact bouts inside an octagon or cage. 

Additionally, MMA fighters must adhere to specific rules to keep them safe during the competition, including no head butting or eye gouging, among other restrictions not present in professional kickboxing bouts.

All You Need to Know About the UFC

What is UFC?
What is UFC?

If you’ve been hearing about Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and want to learn more, you’ve come to the right place! 

The UFC is one of the world’s most popular combat sports. It features a variety of fighting styles, including boxing, wrestling, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, and other forms of martial arts.

What is UFC?

The UFC is a global professional mixed martial arts organization that showcases some of the world’s best fighters in an octagon-shaped cage. 

The fighters compete in bouts ranging from three to five rounds each depending on their weight division. Each bout is scored by three judges who award points for strikes landed, takedowns completed, submission attempts made, and more. 

The fighter with the most points wins the bout at the end of each round. The UFC has become known for its intense physicality and thrilling entertainment value.

The History of UFC

The UFC was founded in 1993 by Art Davie and Rorion Gracie to determine which martial art style was best suited for real combat situations. Initially called “War of the Worlds,” it became known as “Ultimate Fighting Championship” when it gained popularity. 

Since then, it has grown into one of the biggest pay-per-view sports events in the world, with millions tuning in each month to watch fights between some of the best combatants around.

Rules and Regulations

Like other combat sports like boxing or Muay Thai kickboxing, there are rules and regulations governing how fighters compete in UFC bouts. 

  • These rules include weight classes for each division so that competitors face relatively equal opponents.
  • No eye gouging or biting
  • No head-butting
  • No fish hooking (pulling on an opponent’s mouth)
  • No groin strikes
  • No small joint manipulation (such as fingers)
  • No holding onto clothing during competition

In addition, there are medical requirements that all fighters must meet before competing, such as drug tests and medical exams.

Watch the Video: Kickboxing vs UFC

Video From YouTube: Creator GLORY Kickboxing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is kickboxing a part of UFC?

Kickboxing is not a specific part of UFC. While some UFC fighters may have a background in kickboxing, the UFC encompasses various martial arts disciplines, including kickboxing, boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and more.

Are there any similarities between kickboxing and UFC?

Both kickboxing and UFC involve combat sports and require physical conditioning, skill, and strategy. They also share some striking techniques, such as punches and kicks.

Which discipline is more suitable for self-defense, kickboxing, or UFC?

Both kickboxing and UFC can provide effective self-defense skills. Kickboxing focuses on striking techniques, while UFC incorporates other elements like grappling. The choice depends on personal preference and training goals.


Kickboxing and UFC require discipline and dedication to become skilled fighters. Still, they have unique rules and regulations that make them different from one another. 

If you’re looking for an intense physical workout emphasizing self-defense, then either style might be right for you, depending on what you want. 

Ultimately, deciding which style best suits your needs is up to you!

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