Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

If you’re looking for an effective way to work out and stay in shape, kickboxing, and MMA are two great options. They offer a full-body workout to get your heart pumping and your muscles burning. But which one is right for you? 

What is the difference between kickboxing vs. MMA? The main difference between kickboxing and MMA is, Kickboxing combines martial arts techniques with punches, kicks, elbows, and knee strikes. While MMA involves, grappling techniques like submission holds, joint locks, and striking techniques from various martial arts disciplines.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between kickboxing and MMA so that you can make an informed decision.

Definitions of Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Definition of Kickboxing

Kickboxing combines martial arts techniques with punches, kicks, elbows, and knee strikes. It is typically practiced with a partner in a ring or on mats. 

Classes often include warm-up exercises, drills with focus mitts or kicking bags, heavy bag workouts, shadow boxing, sparring drills using protective gear, and cool-down stretching sessions with partners or coaches. Some classes may also include core exercises such as sit-ups or push-ups.

Who is for this?

Kickboxing is ideal for those looking to get fit while learning self-defense techniques in a safe environment. It’s also great for stress relief because it allows participants to release their emotions through physical activity. 

Plus, plenty of different kickboxing classes are available, from traditional Muay Thai kickboxing to cardio kickboxing; there’s something for everyone.

Definition of MMA

MMA stands for mixed martial arts, and it is a full-contact combat sport that combines various fighting styles such as karate, jiu-jitsu, boxing, taekwondo, judo, wrestling, and more. 

Unlike kickboxing which focuses primarily on striking techniques using the hands and feet, MMA involves grappling techniques like submission holds and joint locks and striking techniques from various martial arts disciplines.

Who is for this? 

MMA classes are perfect for those who want to learn self-defense techniques while getting an intense workout at the same time. It’s also great because it teaches discipline and respect while helping students build self-confidence through their training program.

Difference Between Kickboxing and MMA

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Many men and women are interested in martial arts but don’t know where to start. 

Should you do kickboxing or MMA? 

What is the difference between them? 

Both sports have a lot of overlap but also some distinct differences. The guide below will break down the basics of kickboxing and MMA so you can decide which one is right for you.

1. Goals and Technique

Kickboxing is a stand-up combat sport that combines elements of boxing and kicking techniques from karate, Muay Thai, taekwondo, and other martial arts. 

The main goal of kickboxing is to use punch-kick combinations to score points against an opponent or knock them out with strikes. 

Unlike kickboxing, where the main goal is to score points or knock out your opponent with strikes, the main goal in MMA is to use grappling techniques. Such as takedowns and submissions to win by forcing your opponent into submission or scoring a knockout due to strikes on the ground.

2. World Popularity Ratio

Kickboxing has been around for years and has exploded in popularity over the last few decades. Kickboxing is now one of the most popular martial arts worldwide, with events held annually in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. 

Compared to this, MMA has only been around since 1993, and it has quickly become one of the fastest-growing sports in recent years, thanks largely to its global appeal. 

3. Workout Routine

Regarding workout routines, both sports have similarities; however, they also differ in some ways. 

In both sports, you need a combination of strength training exercises such as squats and deadlifts and cardio exercises like running or cycling for endurance training. 

  • However, when it comes to specific drills for each sport, they differ because kickboxers focus more on footwork drills such as shadowboxing and sparring sessions. 
  • In contrast, grapplers focus more on groundwork drills like takedown defense or submission practice sessions on a wrestling mat/mat area, etc.

4. Professional Scope

The professional scope differs vastly between kickboxing and MMA, too. At the same time, many professional kickboxers compete for titles all over the world. 

No real professional organizations are devoted solely to amateur fighters like those found in mixed martial art.

That means if someone wants to fight professionally, they would have an easier time getting signed up with an organization like UFC after they can try their luck at becoming a professional fighter.  

5. Safety & Danger

Lastly, when it comes to safety & danger, both sports differ; kickboxers mainly target striking-based attacks, which minimize chances of serious injuries.

Grappling-baseline-based fights (MMA), where submissions can cause serious damage if not executed properly by experienced fighters who understand the proper technique, etc.

Is MMA Kickboxing?

Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?
is MMA Kickboxing?

No, MMA and kickboxing are two separate disciplines. MMA incorporates elements from multiple martial arts, including boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu. MMA provides a comprehensive approach to self-defense that covers the striking, ground game, and submission techniques. 

On the other hand, kickboxing focuses more on striking techniques such as punching and kicking. It does not incorporate any grappling techniques or submissions as MMA does.

MMA Vs. Kickboxing For Self Defense

Regarding self-defense applications, both MMA and kickboxing offer valid options for males and females who want to stay safe in dangerous situations. 

However, regarding real-world scenarios involving multiple attackers or weapons (such as knives), MMA might be a better choice since it offers more comprehensive training than kickboxing. 

Additionally, because most schools teach their students how to defend themselves against strikes and submissions on the ground, this gives students a greater range of skills they can use when faced with a potentially dangerous situation.

Watch This Video: Kickboxing Vs. MMA | What’s the Difference? Which is Better?

Video from Youtube
Gabriel Varga

Kickboxing Vs. MMA Training

When comparing kickboxing vs. MMA training programs, several factors should be taken into account, such as 

  1. The atmosphere/culture of the gym/school
  2. Quality/quantity of instruction
  3. Cost/time commitment
  4. Safety protocols

Ultimately it will come down to personal preference since everyone has different goals when starting in either discipline. 

As mentioned above, if you are looking for a comprehensive approach that covers the striking, ground game and submission techniques, then MMA might be a better choice over just learning how to do punches and kicks in a traditional kickboxer-style setting.

However, if your main focus is improving your overall physical fitness through boxing-type exercises, sticking with basic kickboxing would suffice, depending on the program best suits your needs and goals.


When deciding whether to pursue martial arts or combat sports, consider all the above factors before signing up anywhere.

Ultimately though, no matter what path you choose, if you stay consistent with your practice, you are guaranteed to see results both mentally & physically.

Whether it’s improved confidence & awareness or improved strength & agility, taking up any form of martial art can help bring out the best version of yourself.

So don’t hesitate – to give one (or both) of these options a try today.

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