Kickboxing Rules

10 Kickboxing Rules & Regulations – Techniques For Champions

Kickboxing is an exciting and dynamic combat sport that has grown in popularity. It combines elements of boxing, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo, allowing participants to engage in a full-body workout that’s both physically and mentally stimulating. 

But, just like any other sport, kickboxing has rules and regulations that must be followed for safety and fairness. This comprehensive guide will discuss kickboxing’s essential rules and regulations, from the types of strikes allowed to the equipment needed to compete. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced kickboxer, this guide will provide all the information you need to stay safe and maximize your kickboxing experience.

Kickboxing Rules for Scoring a Match 

Kickboxing Rules

  1. A kickboxing match is typically 3 rounds (Max 10 rounds) of 3 minutes each, with a 60-second break between each round. 
  2. The rounds are 3-5 minutes long if the match is a title fight. 
  3. The bell rings to signal the end of each round, and if a round ends with one athlete ahead of their opponent, then the judges will award that athlete 10 points. 
  4. If the score is even after 2 rounds (meaning neither athlete leads the other), the match will go into sudden death, where the first athlete to score a point wins the match even if it ends in the last second of the final round. 
  5. If neither athlete scores during the match, it will be scored as a draw and end in a tie.
  6. Low kicks are not allowed in American kickboxing.

Safety Rules and Regulations in Kickboxing

Safety Kickboxing Rules
Play Safe & Healthy

Kickboxing is dangerous and can only be practiced safely if the proper safety precautions are followed. A physician should examine athletes before participating in a competition to ensure they are medically fit. 

The most common injuries in kickboxing are joint dislocations, cramps, and sprains. Kickboxers should wear shoes appropriate for kickboxing, not just general training or exercise, to prevent these injuries. 

In addition, they should choose gloves suitable for kickboxing and not just general boxing.

  1. Athletes should also warm up before the match to prevent cramps and drink water before, during, and after the match to stay hydrated and avoid cramps.
  2. Kickboxers should also avoid headbutting, hair pulling, and leg or kneeing. 
  3. When it comes to scoring, points are only awarded to the athlete who lands a punch or kick that is deemed legal.
  4. Punching in the back of the head, below the belt, or the knee is illegal and will result in a 2-point deduction if the referee notices it.

Types of Strikes Allowed in Kickboxing

In a standard kickboxing match, all legal kicks and punches are allowed. 

  1. Legal kicks include front, side, roundhouse, and back kicks. 
  2. Legal punches include jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and crosses. 

To ensure that the match stays fair, certain regions are not allowed to be targeted, including the head, groin, inside of the thighs, and back.

Kickboxing Rules for Referees

The referee is responsible for ensuring the match is fair, and the rules are followed. If the referee determines that a kickboxer has broken a rule or a safety rule, they can issue a warning or penalize that kickboxer by deducting points. 

If the referee determines that a kickboxer has broken a rule severely enough, they can even disqualify that kickboxer. The referee can stop the match if they determine that either kickboxer is too injured to continue.

Equipment Needed – Kickboxing Rules For Kit

  1. Foot Grips
  2. Gloves
  3. Fight Clothes
  4. Headgear
  5. Mouth guard
  6. Body Protector
  7. Shin Guards
Kickboxing Equipment according to the Kickboxing Rules
Kickboxing Kit

1. An appropriate pair of Foot Grips

The surface of the ring is often slippery, and you don’t want to risk falling and injuring yourself. When choosing the right Foot Grips for this sport, you want to make sure it has a good grip to prevent you from slipping.

2. Gloves

Wearing good gloves are also a kickboxing rules. Gloves are essential for every athlete participating in a kickboxing match because they protect the hands from injury by the other athlete’s fists and kicks.

3. Appropriate clothing

Wear shorts, a T-shirt, and foot grips that are easy to use in the ring. Appropriate clothing gives you comfort while training and even fighting in the ring. So make sure you get good kickboxing clothes.

4. Mouth guard

In kickboxing rules, wearing a mouth guard is also necessary. A mouth guard is essential for this sport because it can prevent you from injury or even knocking out from a head or jaw injury.

5. Headgear

Headgear is an important piece of equipment to keep your head safe from injury. Wearing it during competition is highly recommended to protect your head from injuries.

Different Types of Kickboxing

Equipment Need For Kickboxing Rules - Different Types of Kickboxing

Different Types of Kickboxing

Many types of kickboxing include American, Muay Thai, Savate, and Taekwondo. These different types of kickboxing are all very similar, but they have some small differences.

1. American kickboxing

This type of kickboxing combines kickboxing, Muay Thai, and boxing. It is the most modern form of kickboxing, even called full-contact kickboxing

2. Muay Thai

This type of kickboxing is the original form of kickboxing and is a martial art, an ancient combat sport from Thailand. It is a full-body workout that combines boxing, karate, combat jiu-jitsu, and kickboxing.

3. Savate

This form of French kickboxing uses shoes instead of bare feet and focuses on kicking with the foot instead of the shin. 

4. Taekwondo

This is a Korean style of kickboxing that focuses on the foot rather than the leg and hand.


I hope you know some Kickboxing rules you must follow before playing a match. These rules are essential to follow to play a fair match. 

Neglecting these rules will cost you lose the match, and you may also lose the match points. Plus, wearing appropreiate kickboxing kit is also important. So make sure you have all the kickboxing gear. 

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