Jiu-Jitsu Gifts 15 Best Ideas For BJJ Lovers

Jiu-Jitsu Gifts | 15 Best Ideas For BJJ Lovers 

Are you looking to find the best gift for your Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast friend? Then you came to the right place! If the recipient has a great passion for Jiu-Jitsu, it’s a great idea to surprise them with something that goes along with their sport. Believe it or not, these gifts are not complicated at the next level, but they will still hold great value for the Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast.

What’s great about these gifts is that they can be given anytime throughout the year. Whether it’s the summer holidays or Christmas, it will go great with any occasion.

I have listed my top picks for Jiu-Jitsu gifts in this article. They are under the $50 range; you can buy them at Amazon or any Sports market. Let’s get started.

No.Gift IdeaDescription
1Home MatsThey provide a personal training area at home, enabling practice anytime.
2Online/DVD BJJ InstructionalsA treasure trove of Jiu-Jitsu tutorials, techniques, and tips from top instructors.
3Gym MembershipOffers access to top-notch facilities and resources specifically tailored for Jiu-Jitsu training.
4BackpacksTrendy and practical, they help keep all Jiu-Jitsu tools and gadgets organized and within reach.
5Hats and Apparel AccessoriesShowcases love for the sport and is a conversation starter with fellow enthusiasts.
6BooksProvides insights into the heart, soul, history, mindset, and cultural importance of Jiu-Jitsu.
7Tournaments and Event TicketsThese tickets offer an immersive experience encompassing dedication, camaraderie, and a vibrant display of skills.
8BJJ GiThe official uniform used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions and training.
9Rash GuardsThese are worn under the Gi to prevent mat burns and to wick away sweat.
10BJJ BeltRepresenting the rank and progress of a practitioner, a new belt is always an appreciated gift.
11Grappling DummyA great tool for practicing throws, holds, and submissions at home.
12Mouth GuardAn essential piece of protection during sparring sessions.
13BJJ Wall Art/PostersDecorative items that can help inspire and fuel the passion for Jiu-Jitsu.
14Foam RollerUseful for muscle recovery and relief after intense training sessions.
15BJJ-themed Coffee MugA fun gift that combines a love for coffee with a love for Jiu-Jitsu.

These gifts are all under $50 and can be bought on Amazon or at any sports market, and they’re perfect for giving at any time throughout the year.

Top 15 Jiu-Jitsu Gifts You Can Present To Your Loved One

Jiu-Jitsu Gifts 15 Best Ideas For BJJ Lovers
15 Best Gift Ideas For BJJ

1. Home Mats

Home mats are one of the best when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu gifts that keep on giving. These mats aren’t just a formality but a game-changer for any Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast. 

Home mats give you a training area in the comfort of your home. They’re like a personal Jiu-Jitsu arena where you can practice and drill whenever possible. No more waiting for class or worrying about gym schedules.

These mats are not only convenient; they’re about leveling up your competencies. They allow you to fine-tune your techniques, work on moves, and improve your game without time constraints. It’s like having a 24/7 Jiu-Jitsu dojo in your home. 

And here’s the kicker: They’re not just for professionals. Whether the person you’re gifting to is a novice or a veteran fighter, domestic mats cater to everyone. It’s a present that keeps on giving, offering a space to learn, grow, and perfect your Jiu-Jitsu game. They’re more than simply mats; they’re a commitment to someone’s Jiu-Jitsu journey.

2. Online/DVD BJJ Instructionals

In Jiu-Jitsu, learning doesn’t stop when you step off the mats. Enter online and DVD BJJ instructionals. These babies are a treasure filled with all things Jiu-Jitsu right at your fingertips. Your friend, whom you’re gifting, will love this. 

These digital resources are not just films but your backstage pass to learning from the best. You’ve got tutorials, techniques, and tips from top-notch instructors. It’s like having a personal trainer guide you with moves and strategies, all from the comfort of your space.

What’s the beauty of these digital resources? They’re accessible. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, they’re available 24/7. You can study at your tempo, rewind, replay, and grasp every detail until you nail that technique.

Beginners, intermediates, and superiors—anyone can benefit. It’s a goldmine for honing talents, understanding nuances, and staying ahead. Think of it as funding for your Jiu-Jitsu journey. These instructionals are improvement equipment. They open doors to new techniques, perspectives, and endless possibilities to level up your game.

3. Gym Membership

Jiu-Jitsu Gifts Gym Membership
Jiu-Jitsu Gym Membership

A gym membership for a Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast is more than just getting access to a workout space for your friend; it’s a key that unlocks a world of possibilities. 

Joining a gym brings the experience of a network. It’s not just about hitting the mats but about being part of a tribe, a family of fellow practitioners who share the same passion for Jiu-Jitsu. It’s where you build connections, find help, and learn from different experiences.

But it’s not just the camaraderie; it’s also about the resources. Gyms offer top-notch facilities, from training areas to equipment. These areas are tailored for Jiu Jitsu. They offer the right environment to enhance your skills and technique. 

Moreover, a gym membership opens doors to structured training sessions and expert guidance. Coaches and instructors provide worthwhile information, offering personalized advice and mentoring to help you develop in your Jiu-Jitsu journey.

And let’s not forget about the perks—many gyms offer extra lessons, workshops, and even social events. It’s not just about bodily education; it’s a holistic experience that enriches your Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle.

4. Backpacks

A Jiu-Jitsu backpack is a new trend in the community and can also surprise your Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast friend. These packs are not just about carrying stuff; they’re about always keeping your tools and gadgets with you, geared up for action.

These specialized bags are like a portable locker room. They’ve got compartments for everything—gas, rashguards, spats, mouthguards, you name it. Plus, there’s space for post-training sweaty gear, keeping it separate and odor-free. 

But it’s not just about storage; it is about convenience. They’re designed to make your training life easier. No more digging around for your mouthguard or untangling sweaty gear—the whole thing’s in its place, ready to go.

And right here’s the bonus: a few packs have more functions like antibacterial substances or odor-blockage. They’re not just baggage; they may be smart organizers that keep your equipment fresh and ready for your next roll.

5. Hats and Apparel Accessories

Jiu-Jitsu Gifts Hats and Apparel Accessories
Jiu-Jitsu Apparel Accessories

Wearing Jiu-Jitsu-themed accessories is not just about fashion; it proudly showcases your love for the sport. Imagine rocking a hat and different add-ons with Jiu-Jitsu trademarks or designs. It’s now not just about fashion; it represents a community and a lifestyle beyond the mats.

These accessories are like a badge of honor. They’re a silent nod to your determination and a conversation starter with fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for Jiu-Jitsu. But it is not just about showing off; it’s about feeling related. 

Whether it’s a beanie to keep you warm during training or a cap to shield your eyes, those add-ons are part of your schooling equipment, improving your experience.

And here’s the thing: They’re more than just clothes or hats. They remind you of your commitment to Jiu-Jitsu, a way to carry that spirit on and off the mats.

6. Books

Books on Jiu-Jitsu go way beyond just technique manuals. They’re like windows to a broader world, providing insights into the heart and soul of the sport. 

Imagine delving into Jiu-Jitsu literature that isn’t just about movements but about stories of determination, perseverance, and the philosophy behind the artwork. These books open doors to the history, the mindset, and the cultural importance of Jiu-Jitsu.

These reads are not just pages; they are an adventure. They take you past the mats into the minds of legendary practitioners, sharing their information, struggles, and triumphs. You’ll discover narratives about growth, discipline, and the mental aspects that go hand in hand with physical training.

These books are not only for practitioners. They’re for anyone intrigued by the sport. Whether you’re a pro grappler or simply curious, these readings offer a deeper understanding of what Jiu-Jitsu truly means.

7. Tournaments and Event Tickets

Here’s a fun one: get your friend in on a tournament. Tournaments in Jiu-Jitsu are experiences that encompass dedication, camaraderie, and a vibrant display of skills. 

Participating in a tournament is like stepping into the heart of the game. It’s an opportunity to challenge yourself, to test your capabilities against others, and to develop—not just as a grappler but as an individual. But it is not just about the matches but about the experience, atmosphere, energy, and shared passion for Jiu-Jitsu that fills the air.

However, it is vital to note the prices. Tournaments include entry fees, journey expenses, and accommodations; they all add up. Those fees can vary significantly depending on the event’s scale and place.

If you like to be on the spectator side, attending a Jiu-Jitsu match or an event is just as enjoyable. It’s like witnessing a symphony of abilities and determination. These events feature top athletes showcasing their craft, creating moments of excitement and intensity that linger long after the matches end.

But whether or not you are competing or cheering from the sidelines, both experiences are about more than just winning or watching. They’re about being part of a community, sharing a love for the sport, and celebrating the dedication and resilience of those concerned.

Video From YouTube: Creator @JiujitsuNews

8. BJJ Gi: 

If your loved one is passionate about Jiu-Jitsu, gifting them a BJJ Gi would be perfect. This uniform, designed specifically for training and competition, would truly reflect their dedication to the sport.

9. Rash Guards: 

Consider a rash guard as a thoughtful gift. These are worn under the Gi, protecting against mat burns and helping wick away sweat during intense practice sessions.

10. BJJ Belt: 

A BJJ belt represents the rank and progress of a practitioner in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Gifting a new belt can be a beautiful way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.

11. Grappling Dummy: 

A grappling dummy can be a practical gift. It allows your loved one to practice throws, holds, and submissions at home, enhancing their skills even outside the gym.

12. Mouth Guard: 

Safety is key in any sport. A mouth guard is an essential piece of protective gear that shields the teeth during sparring sessions, making it an ideal gift for any Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast.

13. BJJ Wall Art/Posters: 

If your loved one’s passion for Jiu-Jitsu extends beyond the mat, consider gifting them BJJ-themed wall art or posters. These decorative items can add character to their space and serve as a daily source of inspiration.

14. Foam Roller: 

After a grueling training session, a foam roller can be a lifesaver. It aids in muscle recovery and relief, making it a great gift for promoting overall physical wellness.

15. BJJ-themed Coffee Mug: 

For the Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast who also loves coffee, a BJJ-themed coffee mug could be the perfect gift. It’s a fun and unique way to start their day, reminding them of their passion for the sport with every sip.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an amazing Jiu-Jitsu gift?

A great Jiu-Jitsu present can be something that goes with the recipient’s passion for the sport, such as gear like Gis or rashguards, training opportunities like camps or lessons, or personalized accessories showcasing their love for Jiu-Jitsu.

Are Jiu-Jitsu camps suitable gifts for practitioners?

Absolutely! Jiu-Jitsu camps provide immersive experiences where practitioners can learn, train, and develop their abilities amidst a community of like-minded enthusiasts. They make fantastic gifts for anyone dedicated to the sport.

How is Jiu-Jitsu-themed apparel a gift?

Jiu-Jitsu-themed apparel doesn’t just include clothing; it’s a way for practitioners to express their dedication to the game. It’s a thoughtful gift allowing them to proudly display their passion on and off the mats.

How do domestic mats benefit Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts?

Home mats are a great way to practice Jiu-Jitsu moves at home. They provide comfort and flexibility for education. They offer the opportunity to practice and drill techniques anytime, making them a practical and popular gift for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.

How are movies considered by Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts?

Instructional movies provide access to treasured learning sources from famous practitioners. It gives them hints, techniques, and insights contributing to skill enhancement and continuous improvement in Jiu-Jitsu. Utilizing advanced editing techniques, enthusiasts can create movie compilations showcasing the best practices and strategies in the sport.


In the world of Jiu-Jitsu, finding the best present for your Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast friend is about honoring willpower and passion. Whether it is gear, training opportunities, or personalized tokens, every gift celebrates the affection for this incredible sport. 

Each gesture speaks volumes, acknowledging the dedication of practitioners to their craft. These gifts aren’t simply presents but heartfelt tributes to a vibrant and devoted community.

Hope you have like our article if you are intrestred to write for us don’t hesitate to contact us.

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