These are the 12 Tips to Consider when you are finding a Good Jiu-Jitsu Gym

How to find a Good Jiu-Jitsu Gym: 12 Tips to Consider

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is one of the most technical disciplines in mixed martial arts. So it is a given that when a newbie gets into a dojo, he/she would want to learn all the technical areas of the sport, while also having the time of their lives. 

But finding a jiu-jitsu gym near you can be a hassle and even if you find one, is it really worth the price? In this article, we will cover all the different things you need to consider before joining a jiu-jitsu gym.

These are the 12 Tips to Consider when you are finding a Good Jiu-Jitsu Gym

1. Distance from School/Work 

How to find a Good Jiu-Jitsu Gym 1st step to consider the distance between your home and gym

You need to understand that the distance between a jiu-jitsu gym to your school/work should be the first thing that comes to your mind. You can find a good jiu-jitsu dojo, but the hassle of driving back and forth every day will soon eliminate the desire to train. 

On the other hand, transporting to a dojo closer to work or home takes less time and is a better bet in general. And with the continuous growth of jiu-jitsu gyms throughout the globe, it won’t be that difficult to find one close to you. 

2. BJJ Gym Timings


Another thing to check before joining a jiu-jitsu gym is to ensure that the timing of that particular gym works for you. Remember, not every jiu-jitsu gym offers classes in the evening or even at night. Some start early. 

And if you don’t get the timings right with your schedule, you might end up missing a lot of valuable lessons. 

So if you work during the day, you need to find a dojo that offers classes in the evening or at night. And if your school or office is in the evening, consider one that offers morning classes.

3. The rank of BJJ Instructor 

So, let’s say that you have found a dojo that is close to you and aligns with your schedule. The next step is to know your instructor. In BJJ, the experience and quality of an instructor are known by their jiu-jitsu belt ranking, history, and competitive record. 

First of all, your dojo instructor must have a verified black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu because only a black belt can promote you to higher ranks. You can also find out if your instructor has actively performed in jiu-jitsu competitions. This gives substance to their training. 

4. Affiliation of BJJ Gym 

It is beneficial to be part of a gym that has an affiliation with the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association. Because that particular jiu-jitsu school will then apply the same rules, and standards governed by the international association. 

The most popular BJJ affiliations are IBJJF and SJJIF. And if you reside in the USA, the American grappling federation is also very well admired. So, if your school is affiliated with any of these major affiliations, you can rest assured because you are part of an ever-growing martial arts community. 

5. Facilities Provided by Jiu-Jitsu Gym 

Before paying for all the training fees and resources, remember to check what other facilities the school provides. And trust me, there are gyms that offer much more than a certain few. 

Check with the administration, if the school has showers, changing rooms, and if they provide Gis to students. Make sure that the dojo has applied safety rules for beginners and see how often the mats are replaced. 

Of course, extra facilities cost more, but they also bring a much more rewarding experience. 

6. The Environment of the BJJ Gym 

The environment of a BJJ gym can have a great impact on your game. Your teachers and fellow students play an integral part when it comes to your improvement. You need to feel comfortable among the people you train with. 

So, whenever you visit a BJJ dojo, try to talk to the instructors, owners, and especially the students in order to understand the people at the gym and make a sensible decision.

7. Training System 

Try to understand the training cycle of the gym. The drills, and the distinct techniques, they teach. Is the instructor more focused on the battle on the ground, or do they teach valuable techniques when it comes to takedowns, leg locks, and submissions? Knowing that will help you make an informed decision. You can even ask one of the students about it. 

8. Do they teach other disciplines as well? 

Most gyms that have qualified and experienced teachers try to teach their students about the different disciplines of martial arts apart from jiu-jitsu. This not only helps you learn different techniques but also unlocks your knowledge of mixed martial arts. If your gym provides this, then it’s definitely a plus. 

9. Promotion System 

Remember, a BJJ instructor who does not hold a black belt cannot promote any of his/her students to a black belt. 

You can directly ask the instructor about their BJJ Rank and then make a decision. However, if you do not need the black belt, and just want to enjoy the sport, you can have a go if everything else seems reasonable. 

10. Find a jiu-jitsu gym effortlessly 

You might be asking yourself, is there jiu-jitsu near me? Apart from Google Maps, there are a number of popular websites and applications that let you search for a BJJ gym in your area and even your city. 

11. BJJ Gym Fee & Membership Concerns 

We recommend you always ask about the complete fee structure in one of your initial meetings with the dojo administration. You need to have a complete overview of what the membership costs and if you can afford it. 

Be sure to check out the membership fees of other gyms as well. This will give you the perfect idea if you’re not being charged more.

12. Professional vs Recreational Jiu-Jitsu Gyms 

This is where you have to double-check what you want to achieve in the sport of BJJ. Are you looking to compete at the highest level and want a career in mixed martial arts? Or you want to strengthen up, learn the sport as a hobby, and find confidence and discipline within your body. 

The type of BJJ school you choose needs to define your goals. There are two types of Jiu-Jitsu gyms, professional and recreational. 

Professional Jiu-Jitsu Gyms 

Professional jiu-jitsu gym prepares their students to become the best in the sport and compete at the highest level. Their practice sessions are longer and much more intense. Even the techniques you learn at the professional gym are different because they are aimed to be used in an actual competition. 

In professional gyms, you will find an atmosphere that demands more from the athletes. Wherever you look, you will find a fighter with better skills and abilities. 

Recreational Jiu-Jitsu Gyms 

Recreational gyms are great if you are in it for learning self-defence, and gradually improve your physical fitness. The environment at a recreational jiu-jitsu gym is much more relaxing. Students are allowed to have a day off, and change their practice session and there are plenty of breaks in between drills. 

The training practices are less intense because the instructors are not preparing players for top-level competition. But these gyms do offer amateur-level, friendly competition to keep the fun going. 


Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a beautiful sport. Some of the greatest mixed martial artists like Glover Teixeira, and Anderson Silva were black belts in BJJ and they continue to help up-and-coming fighters achieve the highest standards with the help of their dojos. 

With a little bit of research, you can find yourself a school where you can learn, practice, and apply the techniques of jiu-jitsu.

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