What is the difference between Grappling Vs. Wrestling and which is better Learn the similarities, rules, techniques, pros, cons, and which is harder.

Grappling Vs Wrestling | What Is The Difference? 

Are you new to martial arts, grappling, and wrestling? Either way, you might wonder about the differences and similarities between grappling vs wrestling. While both involve close-contact combat, they have distinct techniques, rules, and goals. 

So, what is the difference between grappling vs. wrestling? The main difference is, Grappling encompasses various techniques, including submissions, joint locks, chokes, throws, takedowns, and ground control. In contrast, wrestling focuses mainly on takedowns, escapes, and pinning techniques.

In this blog post, I’ll explore these differences and similarities in depth so that you can decide which one to pursue or improve.

Wrestling vs. Grappling Quick Comparison Table

ObjectiveTakedown, pinning opponentSubmission, positional control
TechniquesTakedowns, throws, pinsTakedowns, joint locks, chokes
Scoring SystemPoints for takedowns, pins, escapesPoints for position, submission
Common DisciplinesFreestyle, Greco-Roman, folkstyleBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Sambo
Clothing/UniformSinglets, wrestling shoesGi/No-Gi, grappling shoes (Judo)
Competition FormatTimed rounds, points, or pin to winTimed rounds, points, or submission
Ground FightingLimited time, focus on pinningProlonged, focus on submission
Comparison Table: Grappling Vs Wrestling

Grappling vs. Wrestling: Differences and Similarities

What is the difference between Grappling Vs. Wrestling and which is better Learn the similarities, rules, techniques, pros, cons, and which is harder.


One of the key differences between grappling and wrestling is their range of techniques. 

Grappling encompasses various techniques, including submissions, joint locks, chokes, throws, takedowns, and ground control. 

The goal of grappling is usually to get the opponent to submit or immobilize them for points. 

In contrast, wrestling focuses mainly on takedowns, escapes, and pinning techniques. The goal of wrestling is typically to control the opponent’s position or score points by pinning or exposing them to the mat. 

While both grappling and wrestling require strength, flexibility, and agility, the actual techniques they use differ significantly.

Rules and Scoring

Another major difference between grappling and wrestling is their rules and scoring systems. 

Grappling typically uses submission-based systems, in which the practitioner attains a dominant position on the ground or standing and forces the opponent to tap out. 

Points are often awarded for successful takedowns, passing the guard, and dominant positions, but they are secondary to the submission. 

In contrast, wrestling uses a point-based system that rewards takedowns, escapes, and pins. 

Most wrestling organizations do not allow submissions, except for certain grappling-based styles like submission wrestling or catch wrestling. 

Moreover, wrestling has specific rules for stalling, disqualifications, and weight classes, while grappling is often more relaxed and permissive.

Training and Competition

Both grappling and wrestling require dedicated and consistent training to improve. Depending on your preferences, goals, and availability, you may train in a specific style or mix them up. 

Grappling is often taught in separate classes, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, or Sambo, and may involve more sparring and rolling sessions. 

Wrestling is commonly taught in school programs, clubs, or wrestling-specific academies and may focus more on drills, conditioning, and matches. 

The type of competition also varies depending on the style and level of skill. Grappling tournaments often start from a standing position and allow submissions on the ground, while wrestling matches start from a neutral position and aim for pinning or scoring points.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Grappling and Wrestling

What is the difference between Grappling Vs. Wrestling and which is better Learn the similarities, rules, techniques, pros, cons, and which is harder. Benefits and Drawbacks
Benefits and Drawbacks

Both grappling and wrestling offer unique benefits and drawbacks for practitioners. 

Grappling Benefits

Grappling is often praised for its emphasis on technique, strategy, and fluidity, allowing practitioners to use their brains as much as their brawn. 

Grappling is also a great form of self-defense and fitness, as it teaches how to control, submit, or escape from an opponent in various scenarios. 

Grappling Drawbacks

However, grappling may also cause more wear and tear on the joints, especially if improperly executed or resisted. 

Wrestling Benefits

Wrestling, on the other hand, emphasizes explosive power, endurance, and discipline, making it a great sport for building mental and physical toughness.

Wrestling also has more established pathways to Olympic and collegiate levels, offering more recognition and opportunities for competitors. 

Wrestling Drawbacks

However, wrestling may also lead to more injuries, especially concussions, due to the high impact of takedowns and falls.

Watch Video For More Help: Grappling vs. Wrestling

Video From YouTube: Credit – eHowFitness


Grappling and wrestling are fascinating and challenging martial arts with unique approaches, techniques, and benefits. 

While they share some common grounds, such as grappling techniques and physical conditioning, their goals, rules, and styles differ. 

Whether you specialize in one or try both, staying safe, respectful, and humble in your pursuit of excellence is important. 

Remember that martial arts are about winning or losing and improving yourself, sharing knowledge, and building friendships. 

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