6 Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense (2024 Picked)
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6 Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense (2024 Picked)

In today’s world, many people feel unsafe and need to learn how to defend themselves. This is important for kids, adults, and older folks. That’s why schools and governments also teach self-defense. Self-defense means protecting yourself from others who might harm you. Learning self-defense has lots of benefits. One big one is feeling confident. When…

5 Ways To Master Muay Thai Stances – A Beginner Guide

5 Ways To Master Muay Thai Stances – A Beginner Guide

Muay Thai, known as the “Art of Eight Limbs,” is considered one of the most effective striking martial arts globally. Originating from Thailand, this sport allows the use of fists, elbows, knees, and legs, making it a comprehensive stand-up discipline.  If you’re new to Muay Thai, don’t be intimidated. This guide is here to help…

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System – Belt Levels Explained

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System – Belt Levels Explained

Bang Muay Thai is a modern martial art combining traditional Muay Thai techniques with a flexible strategy focusing on rapid changes between striking, clinching, takedowns, and ground techniques. But how does the Bang Muay Thai ranking system work? The Candidates rank up through the belt system. Different colors represent the belts, each symbolizing the candidate’s…

Dutch Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai | What is the Difference? 

Dutch Kickboxing vs. Muay Thai | What is the Difference? 

If you’re a fan of martial arts, then chances are you’ve heard of Dutch kickboxing and Muay Thai. Although the two fighting styles share similarities, there are also some important differences regarding their history, techniques, and effectiveness in combat.  The difference between Dutch kickboxing vs. Muay Thai is; Dutch kickboxing emphasizes powerful kicks combined with…

Kickboxing Vs. Muay Thai – Difference of Rules & Kicks

Kickboxing Vs. Muay Thai – Difference of Rules & Kicks

If you want to try a new martial art or get into a great workout routine, you may be debating between kickboxing and Muay Thai. Both are great options, but it’s important to understand their differences to determine which one is right for you.  So, what are the differences between kickboxing and Muay Thai? The difference…