Best Jiu-Jitsu Books to Buy in 2024

Best Jiu-Jitsu Books to Buy in 2024, Guides on Jiu-Jitsu

Want to learn Jiu-Jitsu but feel weak by jumping straight into class? Jiu-Jitsu books offer a flexible way to gain foundational knowledge at your own pace. They break down techniques, explain competition rules, and provide insights you might not get on the mat right away.

Think of them as your Jiu-Jitsu study guides. They’ll prepare you for class and improve your learning as you train. Here are some of the best books to kickstart your jiu-jitsu journey, written by renowned instructors and athletes.

11 Top Jiu-Jitsu & BJJ Books to Buy in 2024

If you are a true student of jiu-jitsu, this book is for you. Written by Nic Gregoriades the first black belt of the famous Brazilian jiu-jitsu teacher Roger Gracie.


The Black Belt Blueprint: An Intelligent Approach

  • Length, 50 Pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, 15 May , 2021
  • File size, 26866 KB

From diet to competition or what type of gi to buy. From breathing to head control and movement, this book covers every aspect of training. Surely a good read. You can also check this out right here if you are interested in buying this book.

This is a concise yet comprehensive guide that includes all aspects of this art including different concepts, methods, and techniques. The methods discussed in this book can be used by not only the top competitors but also by the upcoming talents. This book is suitable for players of all levels. The author talks about the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of this game.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and Technique

  • Length, 255 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, October 1, 2001

Renzo Gracie, a famous and championship-winning mixed martial arts fighter, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner together with Brazilian jiu-jitsu royalties Royler Gracie, John Danaher and Kid Peligro wrote this book.

This book mainly focuses on techniques based on the belt level. It discusses a vast variety of techniques, and all the techniques are described with adequate information paired with detailed
photos. It’s a great guide for a beginner who wants to learn techniques in detail but is also afraid to ask his instructor. Apart from techniques, this book also has a great introduction to the art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and its principles. It is a must-have if you want to enhance your skills and are not in class. You can get this book just by clicking right here.

A Roadmap for BJJ:


A Roadmap for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

  • Length, 73 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, 11 August 2015
  • File size, 5112 KB

This book also talks about the six main positions in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and their use in dominating your opponent, how to maximize your results while training and tips to avoid injuries. This book also provides photos so that you can understand easily.

This book is for newbies or for someone looking to clear his/her basics on jiu-jitsu. This book
does not teach the techniques that can be easily learned by the instructor or fellows or YouTube videos, but it focuses on the basic framework of the game and helps the reader make sense of the different aspects of the game they encounter in the class.

Jiu Jitsu Training Secrets: 101 Tips & Tricks Every BJJ Player Should Know


Jiu Jitsu Training Secrets: 101 Tips & Tricks Every BJJ Player Should Know

  • Length, 73 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, 11 August 2015
  • File size, 5112 KB

This book is a serious guide for someone looking to improve their jiu-jitsu. Various tips and tricks are showcased in this book covering numerous aspects of jiu-jitsu.

Another book by Nic Gregoriades, founder of Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood and first black belt of Roger Gracie, is a complete guide to the most effective and useful concepts, and tips that can be implemented easily, and covers almost everything about jiu-jitsu that he learned from years of traveling and teaching jiu-jitsu. This book is easy and fun to read yet very informative. You can get this book just by clicking right here.

Opening Closed-Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil:


Opening Closed-Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil:

  • Length, Not Available
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, Not Available
  • File size, 111631 KB

This book is not your regular book but the author’s journey of traveling the world and interviewing the masters of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
This is a well-researched book on this art and is also available as a documentary with the same name.

Written by Robert Drysdale, this book unpacks the History of Jiu-Jitsu, how it spread across the globe, and the extraordinary people involved in building the art that we call the BJJ.
For anyone interested in finding the history behind Brazilian jiu-jitsu, this book is for you.

5 Rules for White Belts


5 Rules for White Belts

  • Length, 49 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, Not Available
  • File size, 848 KB

This short and simple book by Chris Matakas, a black belt instructor and a student of Richard Almeida, focuses on the five key concepts you must know if you are starting jiu-jitsu. The writer puts a lot of feelings, wisdom, experience, and counsel in this small book.

His approach towards life and the mystery of jiu-jitsu is reflected in his writing. Everyone can
enjoy this book but the practitioners of jiu jitsu will connect to it on a deeper level. This book is not just for beginners, it gives you a perspective on the sport and how to measure your success. It’s a simple yet enlightening book.
If you are looking for motivational books these are some of the recommendations

On Jiu Jitsu (The "Jiu Jitsu Essentials” Series Book 2)


On Jiu Jitsu (The “Jiu Jitsu Essentials” Series Book 2)

  • Length, 142 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, Not Available
  • File size, 398 KB

This book beautifully connects life to jiu-jitsu and how being good at the sport makes you succeed in life and this is what our goal should be. It’s a small book and a great read over the weekend.

On jiu-jitsu books is another short yet beautiful book by Chris Matakes, showing how jiu-jitsu shapes and improves a person. This is more of a philosophy than a book on Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
The author convinces you with his arguments that jiu-jitsu is a metaphor for the ups and downs in life. Whether they are life’s trials or setbacks, the wins and losses you experience in life, or your hard work or failure.

Master Jiu-Jitsu Master Life: How To Create An Extraordinary Life Through Jiu-Jitsu


Master Jiu-Jitsu Master Life: How To Create An Extraordinary Life

  • Length, 216 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, Not Available
  • File size, 1279 KB

‘Master Jiu-Jitsu Master Life’ written by the famous names in Brazilian jiu jitsu including Roger Gracie, Marcelo Garcia, and John Danaher, is a journey toward self-improvement.

This book includes ideologies for self-development and covers a wide range of topics and
principles proven to provide success on and off the mat. It also includes inspirational stories
from the best players of jiu-jitsu. After reading this you will realize that jiu-jitsu is not just a sport or means of self-defense, it’s a way of life. This book is available at the link right here.
If you are looking for kid’s books on jiu-jitsu, here are some great suggestions:

The Shih Tzu Who Knew Jiu-Jitsu


The Shih Tzu Who Knew Jiu-Jitsu

  • Length, 23 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, 12 November 2018
  • File size, 33148 KB

This book gives you hope and confidence. Written in a comic format, it’s an easy and interesting read for the kids.

The Shih Tzu Who Knew Jiu Jitsu is a confidence-building book for kids. It is the story of Shih
Tzu, who is confronted by a gang of dogs, and in an effort to combat bullying, he learns jiu-jitsu. It’s not just his journey of learning jiu jitsu but also teaching it at a place where no one knows jiu jitsu or its benefits. It’s also him trying to know who he is as a teacher.

Jiu Jitsu and Me


Jiu Jitsu and Me

  • Length, 25 pages
  • Language, English
  • Publication date, Not Available
  • File size, 8300 KB

This is an inspirational book that gives your kid confidence, acceptance, comfort, and courage to excel at anything they put their mind to. It also guides the kids on how to overcome fears and obstacles they may face while trying new things. It’s a good book for kids and parents too.

Written by Robert Wilson, this book tells the story of a boy named Bobby, who after hearing
stories about jiu-jitsu in his school, learns BJJ. This is also a confidence-building book. It’s a
journey of a little boy towards self-empowerment. The writer has written Bobby in such a way that almost every child can relate to.


These books are a great way to improve your skills and to deeply learn about the techniques, positions, and strategies of jiu-jitsu. Reading books will not make you master the art that is Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but it will surely guide you toward a path where you can find discipline as well as a solid foundation. I hope this article helps you in your journey towards becoming a Brazilian jiu-jitsu specialist. You can check out some of our other interesting pieces on numerous combat sports and truly
immerse yourself in the unique world of martial arts.

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