Here is a list of the cheap, strongest, and best athletic tapes reviews for sports to wrap on the ankle, arm, and other body parts.

10 Best Athletic Tapes for Ultimate Support, Mobility and Protection

You must have heard about the wonders of the best athletic tapes if you are an athlete, gymnast, or bodybuilder. They provide support to knees and joints and can help restrict mobility in targeted areas. 

Thus, having a viable athletic tape is crucial if you are an athlete or into extreme exercising. Initially, you might have come across multiple brands claiming to have the best athletic tapes. 

But are these claims valid and authentic? No.

Athletic tapes are created for the specific purpose of restraining muscle movement. And unfortunately, not all tapes can satisfy the motive. 

However, since you have reached this guide, look no further. I am about to introduce you to some of the highly-rated athletic tapes for martial arts training and matches that are quality-wise optional and functionality-wise superior. 

Editor’s Top Pick For Athletic Tapes

  1. CKeep Kinesiology Athletic Tape
  2. Dimora Adhesive Athletic Tape
  3. Hampton Adams Athletic Sports Tape 

10 Best Athletic Tapes For Martial Arts 

Here is a list of the cheap, strongest, and best athletic tapes reviews for sports to wrap on the ankle, arm, and other body parts.

As a gym fanatic, I have tried multiple athletic tapes over the years. Though many of them left me disappointed, here are some of my top picks for best athletic tapes that I absolutely loved. 

1. CKeep Kinesiology Athletic Tape 

Best Athletic Tapes for Ultimate Support, Mobility and Protection

Material: 96% Latex-free Spandex | Waterproof: Yes | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes| Colors: 10|

When it comes to the best athletic tapes, my top choice is always CKeep. Seasoned athletes and gymnasts must already know this brand, as it has some of the best athletic products. 

Though the brand has several athletic tapes, I found Kinesiology Tape the best. First, it is made with 96% latex-free spandex, implying it won’t cling to your body aggressively. 

The tape’s grip is pretty firm. But thanks to nearly thorough latex-free construction, no suffocation occurs. It can easily be modified into several strip shapes, which indicates its multifunctionality. 

One of the best aspects of CKeep Kinesiology tape is that it not only provides support and assistance but also shields the body. Thus, if you have a history of an injury or an ankle sprain, use this tape, and you will observe an immediate difference in mobility and flexibility. You can use this tape for kickboxing, Muay Thai, and other martial arts sports

Furthermore, the tape is waterproof, which means that you can use it even in swimming. Besides, a single sheet can be worn for up to three days, implying that it is sustainable and perfect for long-term use. 

However, one thing you should remember is that this tape should be gently removed. Since the tape is pretty adhesive, it has a strong pull, which can be unsuitable for people with sensitive skin. I suggest using baby oil or lotion to remove the tape.


  • Cost-effective 
  • Strong grip
  • Provides support and protection
  • 96% latex-free spandex
  • Comfortable wear 
  • Long-lasting and sustainable
  • Available in ten colors


  • Difficult to remove 
  • Unsuitable for sensitive skin people

2. Dimora Adhesive Athletic Tape

Best Athletic Tapes for Ultimate Support, Mobility and Protection

Material: Latex-free Cotton | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Mediocre | Cost-Effective: Yes| Colors: 6 |

Dimora adhesive tape is perfect for athletes and gymnasts with sensitive skin. Made with latex-free cotton, the tape has healing properties, implying that it is perfect for sprained joints, quads, knees, or ankles. 

Besides, it is adhesive from one side, which means you can also use it for strength training and targeted mobility. The tape has a strong grip and remains in its place firmly during practice. 

I recommend Demora to those seeking a lightweight and comfortable version of athletic tapes. Compared to other tapes, this one is made with pure cotton, which is responsible for its soft and comfy texture. 

The tape is so gentle on the skin that you don’t even feel its presence. Similarly, putting it on and off is easy and straightforward. This user-friendly and seamless wear makes this tape suitable for everyone, including kids and older athletes with sagging skin.

However, this tape does not give you the same agility as the previous one. For me, it was good enough but too thin. If you are into intense sports, I would advise you to skip this tape, as it is a little flimsy and wears out easily. 


  • Inexpensive
  • Available in multiple colors
  • Made with latex-free cotton
  • Excellent for sprain recovery
  • Gentle on skin
  • Suitable for kids and aged people
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Perfect for sensitive skin athletes


  • Flimsy and too thin for intensive exercises 
  • It might not provide the required support for strength training.

3. Hampton Adams Athletic Sports Tape 

Best Athletic Tapes for Ultimate Support, Mobility and Protection

Material: 100% Cotton | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes| Colors: 1 |

If you are a Shark Tank fan, you must have seen this product on show. Hamptons Adams athletic tape is famous for being adhesive without even using conventional glue. Instead, the tape uses proprietary glue to make it stick to the skin. 

Since the tape uses no glue, it is mess-free and easy to use. It can be quickly worn and removed without causing any discomfort. Besides, the tape is made with 100% cotton without any spandex inclusion. 

This constriction makes it suitable for medical training as well. The soft yet firm texture of the tape will soothe the target area and restrict its mobility for the duration. 

Another fascinating aspect of this tape is that it is designed in such a way that you won’t need a tape cutter to shape or pierce it. All you have to do is tear or pinch it to cut it into smaller pieces. 

However, a particular downside of this tape is that, like the previous one, it can be too sheer and flimsy. Some people have even complained that the tape’s proprietary adhesive bleeds during intensive sports, implying it should have been more robust. 


  • 100% cotton manufacturing
  • Uses proprietary glue 
  • No spandex used
  • Soft and lightweight
  • No tape cutter is required
  • Affordable


  • Proprietary glue bleeds
  • Unsuitable for intensive sports
  • Available in one color only

4. OK TAPE PRO Kinesiology Athletic Tape

OK TAPE PRO Kinesiology Athletic Tape

Material: Latex-free Cotton | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: No | Colors:

OK TAPE PRO is a medical-grade athletic tape used by several professional athletes and gymnasts. It is also latex-free, which means that it is quite comfortable and lightweight to wear. 

One of the things that I particularly liked about this tape is that the absence of latex does not make it flimsy and less firm. In fact, it is one of the most robust athletic tapes on the market. Coaches also recommend this tape owing to its health benefits. 

Basically, wearing this tape improves blood circulation, supports the lymphatic system, and eliminates swelling and body pain. Therefore, if you have incurred an injury, then this tape can help relax and heal muscles. 

Though the tape claims to be hypoallergenic, its reviews state otherwise. Many pregnant and sensitive skin customers have reported that they experienced rashes and itching after prolonged use of this athletic tape. 

Moreover, the tape is pretty sticky. Pulling it off can be an intensive experience. Thus, using a medium like cream or baby oil is recommended as it can mediate the intensity of the process. 


  • Medical-grade tape 
  • Claims to be hypoallergenic 
  • No latex used 
  • Perfect for intensive exercises
  • Supports blood flow and lymphatic system


  • It might cause itching and rashes.
  • Difficult to remove 

5. RockTape Original Athletic Tape

RockTape Original Athletic Tape

Material: 97% Cotton | Waterproof: Yes | Sticking Strength: Mediocre | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 13|

My next pick is RocTape Original Athletic tape, which is made with 97% cotton and 3% nylon. The cotton makes the tape lightweight and comfortable. In contrast, nylon gives it the required sturdiness and firmness. 

The tape is waterproof and sweat-resistant, which means it can be used in any medium. You can even wear it to a swimming session, and it won’t come off like other cheap athletic tapes. 

The grip of this tape is pretty strong, which makes it perfect for a wide range of exercises and intensive training sessions. Besides, it can also be used at the site of injuries and sprains to reduce pain and swelling. 

Moreover, the tape is made hypoallergenic so that it can be used by people of all skin types easily. But one thing that disappointed me was that this tape does not have a stronghold. 

Many customers have reported that this tape has sticking issues. It does not last long and comes off quite quickly within a few hours. 


  • Cost-effective 
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Lightweight and comfortable
  • Waterproof and sweatproof
  • Strong grip


  • Not sticky enough 
  • Comes off after a few hours

6. Battle Sports Football Turf Athletic Tape

Battle Sports Football Turf Athletic Tape

Material: Polyethylene | Waterproof: Yes | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 3|

If you want something that does not interfere with your mobility, then nothing could be better than Battle Sports Football Turf athletic tape. Since it is made with polyethylene, it is incredibly flexible and stretchable. 

You can easily use it during intensive exercises and sports, and it will protect you from turf burns and abrasive injuries. Similarly, this tape is thicker than its comparative products, implying that no matter how you use it, it won’t tear or get damaged easily.

According to the brand’s description, the tape is so rigid that you can wear each strip in up to eight consecutive matches. Even on Amazon, it is one of the top-rated athletic tapes, with almost no negative reviews. 

However, a minor issue with this tape is that it can be a little stiff and harsh on the skin. If you wrap it too tightly, you may feel discomfort moving around. Thus, using the right wrapping technique for this tape is crucial. Otherwise, you might have an unpleasant experience with this tape. 


  • Inexpensive 
  • Easy to Use
  • Perfect for support and strength training 
  • It can be used for eight consecutive matches
  • Flexible and firm


  • Nil  

7. ADMITRY Pre Wrap Athletic Tape

ADMITRY athletic tape

Material: PU Polyurethane Foam Material | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 6 | 

ADMITRY athletic tape is one of the most innovative tapes in this list so far. Its uniqueness comes from the fact that it is not made with latex or cotton. Instead, it is composed of PU polyurethane foam, which gives it a smooth, comfortable, and lightweight texture. 

To avoid itching and skin allergies, the tape contains no glue. Instead, it is simply wrapped around the skin for support and healing purposes. Since no glue is involved, removing this tape is fairly easy. 

Another fascinating aspect is that it can be used as a headband or armband. All you must do is cut it into desirable shapes and then use it how you like. 

However, this tape can only provide mediocre support, implying it is suitable for light exercises and sports. If you want to perform intensive exercise, opting for something stronger and more agile is better. 

Similarly, one of the other significant issues with this tape is that it breaks apart quite easily. Since this tape is made with foam, one should be gentle with it. A little mishandling can deform and tear it into undesirable shapes, leading to utter waste. 


  • Inexpensive 
  • Made with synthetic PU foam 
  • Lightweight and comfortable 
  • Glue-free tape 
  • User-friendly 
  • Soft texture


  • Unsuitable for intensive exercises and sports 

8. BSN Medical Leukotape P Sports Tape

BSN Medical Leukotape P Sports Tape

Material: Synthetic Non-Woven Fabric | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 1|

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, or “runner’s knee,” is one of the most commonly incurred injuries by athletes and bodybuilders. It is characterized by a stabbing pain around the kneecap, “patella.” 

If you are also experiencing this syndrome or want to prevent it, then BSM Medical Leukotape is the perfect solution. It is a medical-grade tape recommended by doctors for treating patellofemoral. 

The tape is made with synthetic, non-woven fabric, which gives it a dense and rigid structure. The fundamental purpose of this tape is to restrict mobility and accelerate the healing process. 

This product is perfect if you want a tape to help you recover from the runner’s knee. However, if you want something that provides support and aids in strength training, then this tape might fail to fulfill the purpose. 

Another thing is that this tape can only be used around the kneecap. It comes in pre-cut strips that can only be worn around the knees. You cannot wear or use it anywhere else. Thus, you should only purchase this tape if you have patellofemoral syndrome. 


  • Inexpensive 
  • Best for patellofemoral treatment 
  • Suitable as a preventive measure
  • Strong grip and strength 
  • Limits mobility and movement


  • Unsuitable for strength training 
  • It can only be used for patellofemoral syndrome.

9. Mooerca Self-Adherent Athletic Tape

Mooerca Self-Adherent Athletic Tape

Material: Porous Non-woven Elastic | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 12|

Mooerca tapes are non-woven elastic bandages that can support muscles, restrict mobility, and accelerate the healing process. 

These are non-sticky, self-adhesive tapes, which means that they are mess-free and pretty easy to use. All you have to do is cut its strip and wrap it around the desired body part. 

Mooerca tapes are an excellent choice if you want lightweight and soft tape for casual athletic wear. It is not too rigid and is thus perfect for beginners who seek a viable athletic tape to start their journey with. 

To me, these tapes are best suited for support and muscle assistance. Since these are made with elastic, they provide the required flexibility for restricted movement during exercises. 

However, I would not recommend it for medical purposes because its grip is weak. Medical-grade tapes should be firm, less flexible, and sturdy. But this one lacks these qualities, which makes it unsuitable for injury healing. Yet, it is still useable for treating sprains and strains. 


  • Budget-friendly
  • Excellent for beginners 
  • Elastic athletic tapes 
  • Provides muscle support and assistance 
  • Flexible grip


  • Unsuitable for medical use 

10. Mueller Sports Medicine Athletic Tape

Mueller Sports Medicine Athletic Tape

Material: 100% Cotton and Foam | Waterproof: No | Sticking Strength: Strong | Cost-Effective: Yes | Colors: 12|

Lastly, we have Mueller tape, which is designated for medicinal purposes. Made with 100% cotton, this tape has hospital-grade construction. It is best suited for injury healing and can significantly help in pain reduction. 

The tape is backwraped with foam, which gives it sturdiness and tensile strength. Thus, when you wrap it around the concerned area, you can feel a strong grip, which ultimately soothes and relaxes muscles. 

But again, I would only prefer this tape in case of injuries and sprains. The foam in the tape hinders limb movement, which makes it unsuitable for intensive exercises requiring mobility and agility.

Similarly, the foam in the tape can be quite problematic for many athletes. The foam tears apart easily. Thus, compared to other tapes, this one does not last that long. 


  • Inexpensive 
  • Medical-grade tape
  • Suitable for injury and sprain healing 
  • Available in multiple colors
  • Lightweight and comfortable


  • Nil

Buying Guide For Athletic Tapes

Purchasing athletic tapes might seem like an insignificant task. But if you are a professional athlete or gymnast, you would know how crucial it is to carefully investigate and purchase athletic tape. Thus, before investing in an athletic tape, you should seek the following features; 

What Material an Athletic Tape Should Be Made From?

The best athletic tapes are made from cotton with a meager latex percentage. Such athletic tapes are gentle on the skin and also have the ideal tensile strength, which makes them firm and agile. 

Compared to elastic and polyethylene, cotton is generally preferred for athletic tapes because it allows the skin to breathe properly. Therefore, such tapes ensure you don’t sweat or have an uncomfortable experience.  

Which Athletic Tape is Preferred: One with Weak Adhesive or Strong Adhesive?

Now, this is one of the most commonly asked questions about athletic tapes. Many people consider that tapes with weak adhesive capabilities are better for the skin. But let me break it down for you…adhesiveness has nothing to do with your skin. 

An athletic tape can have strong adhesiveness and still be hypoallergenic. Therefore, you should prefer one with strong adhesiveness while purchasing the tape, as it will last longer and prove multi-functional. 

On the other hand, tapes with weak adhesiveness won’t stick to the skin surface properly. You will have to re-apply them again and again, which cannot only be time-consuming but also expensive. 

What Aspects to Seek Before Purchasing an Athletic Tape?

Before purchasing an athletic tape, you should assess whether it fulfills your purpose. An athletic tape for medicinal purposes differs from one used just for support and muscle assistance. 

Next, you must determine if the tape is comfortable enough. Many people neglect this aspect, and they regret it later. If you are uncomfortable with the tape, then it is not meant for you. 

Similarly, breathability, longevity, and adhere quality are some other features that must be scrutinized before buying an athletic tape. 

Lastly, you should also consider the price of the athletic tape. While most tapes are averagely priced, some can be quite expensive due to their premium-grade construction. For instance, tapes with zinc oxide adhesives are more costly than standard tapes. 

How to Use Athletic Tape?

Video From YouTube

Using athletic tape requires some skill and practice. Here are some general steps to follow when taping an area:

  • Begin by placing a pre-wrap or foam padding on the area to be taped. This will help protect the skin and provide some additional cushioning.
  • Unroll the athletic tape and apply it to the area, starting at the bottom and moving upwards.
  • Be sure to apply the tape with the desired amount of tension to achieve the desired support and stability. Keep the tape flat and smooth to prevent any wrinkles or bumps.
  • Once you have applied the tape, use a pair of scissors to trim any excess tape and secure the end of the tape with an adhesive bandage.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Athletic Tape? 

Athletic tape, also known as sports tape, is a type of adhesive tape used to support and protect the muscles, joints, and ligaments during physical activities. It is made up of a cotton or synthetic material attached to a sticky adhesive. Athletic tape is designed to be flexible yet strong to allow for a full range of motion while providing support and stability to the affected area.

Is Sports Tape the Same as Athletic Tape?

Yes, sports tape and athletic tape are the same things. The terms are used interchangeably, and both refer to the same type of tape that is designed to be used during physical activities. The term sports tape is commonly used in the United Kingdom, while the term athletic tape is used in the United States.

How Should You Prepare an Area to Be Taped?

Before you apply athletic tape to an area, it is important to ensure the skin is clean, dry, and free of any oils or lotions. You can clean the area with soap and water and dry it off thoroughly. Additionally, if you have any cuts or open wounds, it is recommended that you cover them with a sterile dressing before taping the area. 

Author’s Takeaway 

The best athletic tape is the one that is comfortable enough and provides the required support to the muscles. I would suggest you check the reviews of the tapes before investing in them. My top choices are; 

  1. CKeep Kinesiology Athletic Tape
  2. Dimora Adhesive Athletic Tape
  3. Hampton Adams Athletic Sports Tape 

Product descriptions can fail to depict the product’s features fully. But reviews can help you better scrutinize the products’ aspects so that you can easily determine whether it is suitable for you or not. 

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