Bang Muay Thai Ranking System

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System – Belt Levels Explained

Bang Muay Thai is a modern martial art combining traditional Muay Thai techniques with a flexible strategy focusing on rapid changes between striking, clinching, takedowns, and ground techniques.

But how does the Bang Muay Thai ranking system work? The Candidates rank up through the belt system. Different colors represent the belts, each symbolizing the candidate’s level of expertise. As you advance the skill base of this Martial Art, you move up to the next belt.

These belts demand a certain set of requirements be fulfilled for the candidate to acquire them. 

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System

Belt Progression and Requirements in the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System

Belt ColorRequirementsExperience Required
White BeltFundamental strikes, stances, and basic defense techniques.No prior experience is required.
Blue BeltAdvanced strikes, combinations, fight strategies, and controlled sparring.6-12 months of experience in Muay Thai.
Purple BeltTransitional techniques, clinch work, takedowns, and ground techniques.1-2 years of experience in Bang Muay Thai or related disciplines.
Brown BeltCounter techniques, advanced strategies, adaptability, and intense sparring.3-5 years of experience in Bang Muay Thai or other high-level martial arts.
Black BeltProficiency in all aspects, teaching, mentoring, and contributing to the art.Mastery of Bang Muay Thai and recognized achievements as an instructor or practitioner (minimum 7 years of experience).

Look at the various belts in the Bang Muay Thai system to learn more about the requirements and significance of each level.

1. White Belt: Laying the Foundation

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System - White Belt
White Belt

The journey begins at the White Belt, where beginners step onto the mat with excitement and anticipation. 

Here, the emphasis is on laying a solid technical foundation. Students learn the fundamental techniques, stances, and principles that form the foundation of Bang Muay Thai. 

The emphasis is not solely on memorizing facts; rather, it is on understanding the mechanics of each move, the relationship between footwork and strikes, and the fundamental concepts that define a successful battle.

This phase aims to assist practitioners in becoming more coordinated regarding time and balance. The goal is to thoroughly teach these fundamentals so that they become second nature, paving the way for more complex movements and strategies in the future.  

The Foundations Level serves as an entry point, launching learners into the heart of Bang Muay Thai while giving them a strong foundation to build upon.


  • Fundamental strike proficiency (jabs, crosses, hooks, and kicks).
  • Basic knowledge of stances and footwork.
  • Familiarity with basic defensive techniques (blocks, parries).

2. Blue Belt: The Symbol of Progression

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System - Blue Belt
Blue Belt

Candidate significantly advances their development when they earn their Blue Belt. 

It is a period of growth in which skills are improved, and a greater understanding of fighting tactics is revealed. As they move on to more complicated combinations, students develop the ability to combine strikes fluidly and skillfully. 

Controlled fights have become a training essential, allowing practitioners to put their skills to the test in dynamic situations.


  • Expertise in advanced strikes (elbows, knees, spinning techniques).
  • Ability to execute combinations with fluidity.
  • Understanding of basic fight strategies and tactics.
  • Expertise in controlled sparring sessions.

3. Purple Belt: The Artistry Released

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System - Purple Belt
Purple Belt

Achieving the Purple Belt is similar to an artist perfecting their craft. 

It is time for students to use their toolbox of techniques and strategies to paint the battlefield of combat with skill and finesse. The ranking level focuses on flexibility and fluency as practitioners learn to switch between various Bang Muay Thai forms easily.

Students are encouraged to think beyond individual moves. It is about the art of blending techniques to keep opponents guessing, the fluidity of movement, and the rhythm of combat. 

This stage encourages candidates to innovate and experiment to develop a sense of creativity and ownership over their fighting style.


  • Mastery of transitional techniques between striking, clinching, takedowns, and ground.
  • Capability in clinch work and takedowns.
  • Effective use of ground techniques and submissions.
  • Exhibited endurance and fitness.

4. Brown Belt: The Point of No Return

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System - Brown Belt
Brown Belt

A practitioner enters a more advanced level of Bang Muay Thai after earning the Brown Belt. 

Students learn advanced combat tactics and strategies as they delve deeper into the complexities of combat. The intensity and increase of sessions forces practitioners to think critically and react quickly. 

It’s a phase of refinement and empowerment where practitioners elevate their tactical acumen.


  • Mastery of counter techniques and defensive maneuvers.
  • Proficiency in advanced fight strategies and tactics.
  • Ability to adapt and adjust techniques based on opponent’s movements.
  • Participation in intense and dynamic sparring sessions.

5. Black Belt: The Apex of Excellence

Bang Muay Thai Ranking System - Black Belt
Black Belt

The Mastery Level, the apex of the Bang Muay Thai journey, symbolizes a practitioner’s dedication, perseverance, and in-depth knowledge of the art. 

Mastering techniques is no longer enough; you must also embody the spirit of Bang Muay Thai and aid in its development.  

Mastery Level practitioners are proficient fighters, instructors, mentors, and ambassadors of the art. It is a lifetime commitment to continuous learning and growth as practitioners improve their skills, share their knowledge, and leave a lasting impression on the martial arts world.


  • Proficiency in all aspects of Bang Muay Thai, from striking to ground techniques.
  • Mastery of fight strategies and adaptability.
  • Teaching and mentoring capabilities.
  • Contribution to the growth and evolution of the martial arts community.

Watch the Video: Bang Muay Thai Belt Levels

Video From YouTube: Creator Sean Fagan

The Benefits of the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System: A Pathway to Excellence

Starting this martial arts journey is similar to a quest for self-discovery and empowerment. The gradual increase in rank allows the student to blend every ounce of knowledge and skill into his expertise.

The ranking system of Bang Muay Thai is perfect the way it is and beneficial in the following ways:

Goal Setting and Motivation

The Bang Muay Thai ranking system provides candidates with a clear path and a number of attainable objectives along the way. As they move up the belt levels, students feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation that inspires them to go the extra mile. 

With each new belt, they have a goal to achieve, which fuels their passion for the craft and motivates them to be dedicated. This systematic approach turns the journey into a series of victories, making the road to mastery rewarding and exhilarating.

Comprehensive Skill Development

One of the most notable aspects of the Bang Muay Thai ranking system is its comprehensive approach to skill development. 

Unlike other systems, Bang Muay Thai incorporates diverse techniques and methods. From striking to clinching, takedowns to groundwork, students are exposed to well-rounded training that prepares them to excel in various aspects of combat. 

This comprehensive training improves their ring performance and boosts their confidence in real-world situations.

Sense of Community and Belonging

The path through the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System is not taken alone. Practitioners become part of a vibrant and supportive community with one goal: to achieve excellence. 

As students advance through the belt levels, they form bonds with other practitioners who share their victories, challenges, and goals. In this encouraging and motivating environment, people foster a strong sense of belonging and connection beyond the training mat.

Character Building and Mental Fitness

The obstacles faced along the way in learning Bang Muay Thai are not just physical; they also involve mental dedication. As practitioners overcome obstacles, face setbacks, and persevere through rigorous training, they develop mental resilience and discipline. 

The ranking system transforms into a testing ground in which individuals learn to harness determination, focus, and toughness. These characteristics extend beyond martial arts, influencing every aspect of their lives.

A Journey of Continuous Learning

The Bang Muay Thai Ranking System follows the philosophy of lifelong learning and development. 

At each belt level, practitioners are exposed to fresh methods, ideas, and concepts, pushing them to expand their boundaries. Because of the emphasis on lifelong learning, students develop a continuous curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. 

As they progress through the ranks, the candidates realize that the journey is the destination and the pursuit of excellence is an endless adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System suitable for beginners in Martial Arts?

Absolutely! The Bang Muay Thai Ranking System is designed to meet the needs of all skill levels. It provides a systematic, step-by-step path for newcomers that aids in their development and success.

How long does it take to progress through the belt levels?

The time it takes to advance through the belt levels varies greatly depending on factors such as dedication, frequency of practice, and individual ability. Progression is a personal journey, and the rate of progress varies from person to person.

Can I practice Bang Muay Thai for self-defense purposes?

Of Course! Bang Muay Thai teaches candidates practical self-defense techniques that can be used in real-life situations. The system is a useful tool for self-defense due to its adaptable techniques and emphasis on flexibility.

Are there age restrictions for participating in the ranking system?

No, anyone of any age can participate in the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System. It is never too early or late to begin your journey and take advantage of the opportunities for physical, mental, and personal development it provides.


With the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System, you are not just learning martial arts; you are about to begin a life-changing journey. 

From white belt fundamentals to black belt mastery, this system provides a roadmap for individual growth, skill development, and community connection. Regardless of your level of fighting experience, the path to excellence is at your fingertips. 

So get on the mat, maximize your potential, and allow the Bang Muay Thai Ranking System to guide you on an exciting martial arts journey.

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